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Tuner loop placement

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Hi, until now i used a stompbox tuner through a looper on the pedalboard. Now since i'd like to reduce the size of the pedalboard, also because a ground control pro should take the place of the midimate, i would put the tuner directly in the rack. I have a GRX4, but it has no free loops for the tuner. I'm using a groove tubes trio preamp in series with a rocktron replifex, so i could use the loop out of the preamp to feed the tuner, without the back connection. Can this be done without problems (interference, trio behaving differently)?

This way i could have the tuner in the rack and out of the signal line.

Thank's a lot

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I suggest that you bypass the rack tuner entirely. Take a buffered feed from your grx4 and send that to a pedalboard mounted tuner, like a Boss TU-12H so that you have a live tuner at your feet. Just make a mute preset for silent tuning but you can also check you tuning while you play, as I do.

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I have a Korg DTR-2000 and I don't think it effects the sound at all. The nice thing about it is that it has 2 inputs also, so you could have 2 guitars plugged in at the same time and just push 1 button to change inputs.


Guitar --> DTR-2000 --> rack stuff --> amp

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Thank's for the answers, but it's not exactly what i was looking for: i wanted to take the tuner away from the pedalboard. Now,since i have no more free loops in the GRX, and have no others possible solutions, i wanted to use the loopout of my preamp (it's not used, because the multieffect is in series) to feed the tuner, without the cable turning back to the loop of the preamp....

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i've got a peterson vs1 and for whatever reason, it still gives me interference when i use the tuner out jack of my ernie ball volume pedal. i gave it a dedicated output and it's own patch in my switchblade where it's guitar --> preamp --> tuner.


i never ever ever have the tuner on or in the active signal chain.


i guess just give it a shot...you might get good results, you might get strange {censored} like me.



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That's what I do with my MP1. Since it has 2 effects loops, I use the second effects send and plug it into my Peterson. Have never had any problems, been doing it for over a year. I have my Gmajor setup to control my volume, so I can either roll back my volume pedal or mute the Gmajor and still tune.

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