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Pre-Amp Suggestions? Bang for Buck?

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I have a rack laying around with a Mesa 50/50 in it and thought why not get a pre-amp for this thing and see if I can get some great sounds out of it.


I have been currently playing through a THD BiValve but thought I would look into the rack thing again. I heard some good things about the Carvin TN-100 and the Egnator pre-amp. I am curious to what you all would recomend?

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Originally posted by slapshot

I have a rack laying around with a Mesa 50/50 in it and thought why not get a pre-amp for this thing and see if I can get some great sounds out of it.

I have been currently playing through a THD BiValve but thought I would look into the rack thing again. I heard some good things about the Carvin TN-100 and the Egnator pre-amp. I am curious to what you all would recomend?


Any idea what type of tone (Marshally?? Mesash??) your looking for?? and your spend budget?




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I would like to keep it under $500.00 if possible. However I do understand the Engel Pre-amp with the modules can well exceed that. I am flexible with tone. Must have is chimey clean and great lead tone gain aka Marshall plexi / JCM 800. However I love Vox clean/dirt also. Not big on Mesa Dual Rectumfier sounds or midscoop distortion.

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you can consider an ADA MP-1 if you'd like. To me, The stock MP-1 is sorta like a hotrodded JCM800 with more gain. Even modding it with different mods would costs less then $400-$500.


Check into the ADA Depot 3TM mod. New boards productions should be somtime soon since they ran out of the last boards batch not too long ago. I have one and to me honest, Its definitly worth it.


Check www.adadepot.com for info if you'd like.


Hope that helps a bit.




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hands down the most versatile preamp in your price range is the h&k access...i got mine for $425 used a year ago...admittedly that was a hell of a deal on it, but if you can find one, they usually go for right around $500.


the access was essentially designed to act as the heart of a rack system, in addition to its fantastic sounding preamp (based around a marshall/soldano sound), it incorporates full midi capability, 3 switchable/assignable loops, 2 relay switches, direct recording out (ala the h&k red box), treble boost, mid boost, and a few other bells and whistles (if you get version 2, most all parameters are midi controllable via midi ccs...)


to me it easily matches the triaxis, and even exceeds it in certain ways...its definitely a real sleeper preamp!

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