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help me pick new preamp tubes

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right now i have a pair of groove tube 12ax7's in my digitech 2101 preamp....i find the sound to grainy and harsh, so i was wondering if anyone could reccomened a new set of tubes that have a fat warm tubey sound, clarity and midrange richness.


i play mostly originals which most people describe as rock metal.

i use distortion 85% of the time, so a good distorted sound is more important tha a good clean sound.


and with all that said, on with the reccomendations :)

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if you want something cheaper then there's always JJ Tesla (sometimes thought to be too dark) and EH (spose to be a bit brighter)


Is this true in general (that JJ Teslas are considered "dark") or just in his specific case. I am looking to re-tube my 3 channel dual recto (power and pre) and I am looking for something darker or less bright. Any recommendations would be great.

Thanks :)

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