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Tube amp problem- Help please?

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Hi there, Longhair at the Guitar Jam forum suggested asking here rather than the amp forum, so here goes:


I have a locally made 100 Watt tube head, 2 channels, plus a gain boost on the dirty channel. 3 preamp tubes (12AX7) and 4 power tubes (6L6). The footswitch changes channels and turns on the boost via a stereo trs plug.


The problem: All of a sudden, the footswitch doesn't control the boost, unless the plug is halfway out of the pedal, and the master volume does nothing at all. The boost level pot seems to act as a master volume now, and the clean channel is much quieter than it used to be. Is it possible that it's a bad tube? Any ideas? Need more info? Thanks in advance.

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I'll help but I need more info. Who makes the amp and what type of connector is used to connect the footswitch to the amp? Quater inch, multi pin, DIN???? Also, when did this take place... under what conditions??? What has changed in your setup? Give me all the info you can come up with. Have you tried the amp with out the FS? Could you get another FS to try. It may not be an amp issue... it could be a faulty FS. I'll get back to you tommorrow.


PS the guys who directed you here are wise....:D

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Originally posted by tuvokzeta9

I'll help but I need more info. Who makes the amp and what type of connector is used to connect the footswitch to the amp? Quater inch, multi pin, DIN???? Also, when did this take place... under what conditions??? What has changed in your setup? Give me all the info you can come up with. Have you tried the amp with out the FS? Could you get another FS to try. It may not be an amp issue... it could be a faulty FS. I'll get back to you tommorrow.

PS the guys who directed you here are wise....


OK, here we go:


It's made by a guy named John Nau here in Rochester NY. It's footswitch is connected by a stereo 1/4 trs cord that appears undamaged and does not have a short in it anywhere that I can tell. There is also an effects loop that can be used as an extra gain stage as well, but I have that shut off. The output is set to 16 ohms and runs into a Crate 4x12 loaded with Celestions, set to 16 ohms mono. knobs for the dirty channel are low, mid, high (each with a boost switch), gain, presence, master vol and lead boost. Clean channel has low, mid, high, gain and master vol. Send and return vols for the loop, ground switch. only a Boss TU-2 tuner before the amp, George L's cables. Big ol' Whirlwind heavy-gague speaker cable.


Nothing had changed since the last time I used it. It has been in the practice space, untouched for about 4 weeks. When the footswitch is unplugged, nothing changes. If it's halfway in, the switch seems to work (ie. the lights come on as they should), but the lead boost still controls the master vol, and there is no control over the lead boost vol. The master vol does nothing at all.


All tubes are lit and look ok. Is that enough info? Thanks, and I look forward to your and any other replies.

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