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G-major vs. Kurzweil Mangler... (originally posted in FX Forum.)

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I'm looking for another rack fx to complement my POD XT Pro, mainly to be able to use modulation effects, such as harmonizer, pitch shifter, compressor and the like, and also something quite midi friendly. (As I'm using the FBV for the POD, and not a midi pedal, so it has to be able to be a little more customizable to midi, as I need it to be able to be able to change certain values through a dynamic variable rather than having a "fixed" command. (like a Whammy 4, for example, I hope I'm making sense coz midi is still new to me.)


So anyways, has any got anything to say regarding the mangler or the G major? They seem to be around the same price range, that's why I picked them... I don't really need the distortions of the mangler, but it can be a bonus, I guess, however, I'd prefer better modulation effects. Can anyone offer me a better suggestion instead? Bear in mind that I've picked these 2 because of my budget.... and what I'm after really are Harmonizer, compressor (I need more than the "basic" ones that the XT Pro offers, something that has more variables, such as attack) ring modulator, and perhaps even a more "customizable" pitch shifter. It would seem that the G-major offers those, and is very flexible with midi.


The mangler however seemed pretty good too, but I'm not sure what the midi on it is like. Can any body help me out or give me a reccomendation? So you know at this point in time I'm more inclined to go with the G-major....


Thanks in advance!!!

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Are you using the long-board or the short-board for the POD?


I think the long-board would have all you need for the POD by itself.


Also, I would have been happy with the XT alone and not needed a second FX unit had it existed when I bought mine.

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Probably you should at least consider what I did....


Rocktron Intellifex Blackface ($150)

Digitech DHP-33 ($250)


Both were shipped prices....Amazing superior 8 voice chorus/delay/reverb with the Intellifex including the Ducking Delay which is awesome - also has the HUSH as a bonus.....Meanwhile the Digitech supplies intelligent pitch shifting (downright amazing actually with bends and vibrato in harmony) along with some killer vibrato/tremolo and the like - built in tuner as well....


For $400 its basically got everything covered and the quality of effects is legendary.....You might even be able to score the pair for less....


(also posted in the effect forum post)

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Hmmmm.. sounds pretty kewl!!!!


Are any of those effects you mentioned flexible in regards to controlling MIDI? I mean... can you assign a channel to a fx or is it fixed. Because I'll be controlling it from my Longboard (yes I got the FBV longboard for it.) I'll have 3 switches that I can use to control certain things, but asides from that I can't do much else....


I hope I've made sense... as I'm still new to all this midi stuff and haven't used it practically.

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Originally posted by Iori

Hmmmm.. sounds pretty kewl!!!!

Are any of those effects you mentioned flexible in regards to controlling MIDI? I mean... can you assign a channel to a fx or is it fixed. Because I'll be controlling it from my Longboard (yes I got the FBV longboard for it.) I'll have 3 switches that I can use to control certain things, but asides from that I can't do much else....

I hope I've made sense... as I'm still new to all this midi stuff and haven't used it practically.



Yes, you can assign channels to them.....Fully mappable, etc...

If you check the reviews and do searches on this forum - you can easily see they are considered elite pro units at what they do....

and cheap - although both were around a grand each when new

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Another question.... as I've started looking at it on ebay...

What's the difference b/t the silver face and the blackface Intellifex?

Is any one of them better?

Thanks for your help again!

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the blackface is the orginal and for some reason are considered the better unit......I do not know if the differences are real or just typical musician created.....


Here on HC (classified & spam threads) - you can get blackface units cheap - for some reason on eBay - they tend to be more.....Some auctions are still reasonable but there are a few $250 startin bid auctions - which is what I would consider stupid high.....


I dont think I would concern myself too much with having to have a blackface unit....but all thing considered equally (price & availability) would have the blackface as more desireable. ....

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I just thought I'd mention this, however, I don't know if it's really true. I've read repeatedly that there is a drop out when switching patches on the Intellifex. Anyone experience this?

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I've had a bit of a look online since, and I've noticed another fx, the Rocktron Replifex. Does anyone knows how this compares to the Intellifex? It seems to be more what I'm looking for as it has a compressor....

From the looks of things, I'm going to have to buy 2 effects, as I'll prolly need one for harmonizing... and most effects do pitch shifting but not harmonizing.... atm the replifex seem to be ahead of the intellifex in that it's the same but has a specific compressor.


Is there any other reccomendations that anybody else would like to make on this?


Thanks all!

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The Intellifex is a higher end unit....More professional...The Replifex is a guitar based utilitarian unit....The Replifex will do more - but with decreased quality in many areas over the Intellifex. The Intellifex has an 8 voice chorus/delay - simply the most lush and complex chorus & delay voicing in the industry (period)- whereas the Replifex has a 4 voice chorus - the voicings are cut in half. The Replifex will be more in line with the G-Major, whereas the Intellifex will do less thing than both but do them with much more quality....The Ducking delay of the Intellifex in itself is amazing.


Basically, I did this research - I opted for the quality of the Intellifex. The Replifex is a compromise - Quantity over Quality. Although using them as compliments - having both units could make sense.


If you want a compressor - then you erally need to look at getting a unit dedicated for that purpose -the nice thing is they are very CHEAP and mostly - they NEED to be in front of the preamp to be effective for guitar rather than in the effects loop.

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Hmm. I see...


I'm still thinking that I'll take a shot at the repliflex tho'... as I don't really use choruses.... looking at what's available, if I had the repliflex over the intelliflex, it would get more use out of it since it has phaser, flanger, pitch shifting (some form of, I'm still looking for that Digitech Harmonizer you've reccomended.) and compressor.


I understand what you mean about the compressor, however I prolly won't be using the compressor often only to get a certain type of sound (like, the really compressed sound) and as I won't use it alot, would prefer to use a system that can be controlled my midi, as I notice the independent units (that I look at anyways) aren't midi controllable, they have knobs which you just adjust and keep.


Looks like I have alot to think about, but you've defintely given me more options and more bang for my buck, as previously to this I was looking at spending up to $500 and still not getting what I fully want, while now I can spend less and get more!!!


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And one question on the DHP-33:


As you know I'm living in Australia, so we use 240V items here... do you know if it uses a power adapter like the Intellifex/Replifex or has an automatic current adapter like the g-major?


I just want to make sure that when I get it, it won't be too much trouble to make it use 240V current power....


Thanx again!

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Ive kinda thought abotu the Replifex/Intellifex thing myself. On the Replifex, mainly for a few things not mentioned much. The ability to change channels on your amp, a 4 Band Parametric EQ, and a Speaker Sim (Sucks for direct recording, but great for dialing in some fat chunk).

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I haven't used the Mangler but the word is that it's a better unit than the G-Major but not as good, as you would expect, as the G-Force. However I prefer to use dedicated processors whenever possible as they have more power and flexability over single "do-all" units. I run a Rocktron Multivalve, the studio version of the Replifex, and a Blackface Intellifex along with a Korg DL8000R delay unit. The two Rocktron units are more than enough for most players but I have the Korg for very long delays and for presets where I want the delays from the Korg or Intellifex to spill over into the next preset.

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Hmm... that's for that, they're good suggestions...


On that does anyone know how the new Rocktron Xpression stacks up to the intellifex and the replifex?


I'm asking all these questions as I'm looking at what's available to me and really as I have no experience with these units (I'm very new to racking) I would prefer someone with experience of these things to give me a guide into how it works.


Thanks again y'all!!

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