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Compressor for Bass


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I think I need a compressor on my Ampeg SVT 200-T. I just don't get enough loudness out of the top two strings and the lower ones are too loud. They sound great, just not even. What is a good bass compressor, and do I put it between my bass and amp, or in the effects loop, or should I put in it my PA rack and compress it there?



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Well, my response isn't exactly about compressors but rather about setup of the instrument. I play bass as well as guitar and I do all my setups. First thing I'd look into before looking for a compressor would be the instrument's setup. Is the pick-up closer to the louder strings? Can you raise the pick-ups to be closer to the quiter strings? Or alternatively, lower the pickups away from the louder strings. Is it a split-P pickup? Maybe one of the coils went bad.


Anyway, I haven't used compression with either bass or guitar (other than maybe the natural compression that occurs with driven tubes). Someone else will come along and recommend a compressor. Come to think of it, I have read some good reports about the RNC Compressor by FMR Audio.


If you want to try a more bass-centric forum, you can try the Bass Forum here or Talkbass.

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Over at the Bass Forum, you'll find all kinds of answers... the FMR RNC comes up, as does the TC Electronic Triple-C. That's what I've got (though I'm selling it... along with the rest of my bass rig), and I would recommend it highly to anyone... full graphical readout, level meters, triple-band compression, envelope filter, etc. 100 presets. Not that you change presets too often, but you can create some cool effects with the envelope filter and with really hard compression and switch them between songs. Or with a MIDI switch, since it's got MIDI capability.

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