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MIDI Question...

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Hey guys.


My question is this:

I use a POD Pro, Digitech GSP-2101LE and a TC G-Force. I love the distortions and crunch of my POD, and the cleans and weird effects from my GSP 2101 & G-Force. I'm perplexed as to how I'd go about wiring them all up via MIDI, with only one foot controller, to change a preset from each unit upon pressing one switch on my board. I want to combine an effect from each unit, into one single MIDI command per footswitch button.


(I want all three FX to be combined into a single patch).


Eg; POD Distortion + GSP2101 Clean + TC G-Force Delay = One switch on my MIDI controller.


Can this be done? Can multiple MIDI messages from each unit be combined to be switched on/off by one footswitch?


Please get back to me. I don't really like the idea of paying a music store clerk big $$$ to wire up my rack rig.


Should I invest in a GCX Switching system? I know that I need to switch via MIDI commands...


Thanks in advance.

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Of course you can. But to determine the method, you have to see if the units like being daisy-chained via midi. If either of them don't have a midi-thru, then that unit is last to receive midi data. You just have to set all the units midi channel the same as your footcontroller. You can get totally wired with CC,s, but I usually just do PC [program changes]. If your effects drop out during PC, then maybe the CC are a better fit. Anyway, if the effects don't like being daisy chained [some TC stuff is hit or miss] then you need to buy a midi split box i.e., http://www.midisolutions.com/prodqth.htm keeping in mind that most of these need phantom power to operate, so the unit must support that. FYI

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Thanks a tonne for the quick reply, jazz/rock.


I really appreciate your suggestions.


I'm sure that all the units have a MIDI Thru, so that should be good.


Esentially, if I get one of those MIDI splitters, all I'd have to do would be to make sure my Footcontroller is transmitting on the same channel as all my processors, and send individual MIDI outs to all the MIDI In's on the units?


That sounds easy as pie. I know the POD and GSP transmit using CC... not sure of the G-Force yet.


Anyone suggest MIDI wiring for the G-Force?

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