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Dime Darrell shot

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Man, when people tell me the sick details of it, my heart sinks and I feel terribly sad. Dimebag was my idol throughout middle-school and high-school. Dimebag seemed like the most benevolent, fun-loving, easy-going guy in the world. I really don't want to talk about it anymore. I definitely put floods on after I heard the news. I just hope Vinnie is coping without too much substance abuse. I don't want two of my idols gone. I'm out.:( :( :(

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I have worked security at a few concerts but fortunately have never had to deal with a gun.


I am 100% for gun control. I've been in fights involving knives, bats, other blunt objects and have survived with minimal damage.


{censored} having any stupid little {censored} get pissed off and have the power to take a life.


It may be in the constitution, but I am against the right to bear firearms. It should be more of a privilage. Who the {censored} was the jackass forefather who decided that it would be great if anyone could weild a gun. That's {censored}ing insanity.

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