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How should I set up my rack

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I need help setting up my rack. What is the best way to setup by order


This is what I have:


GCX audio/switcher

korg DTR 2

Rocktron Super C

Lexicon MPX G2

Rocktron Replifex

Mesa Boogie Triple Rec.



If you could help me out with this I would really appreciate it.

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O.K., I'll give it a shot. Starting with the GCX, using either buffered or feedthrough inputs, out the corresponding output patched into the input of loop 1. Send of loop 1 to the input of the tuner, output of tuner not sent back to loop 1 return (for silent tuning and so that tuner is not in signal chain). Loop 1 will have to be engaged/switched on to tune. Loop 1 output into amp input. Amp efx loop send to input of GCX loop 2, Hush in loop 2, loop 2 output into loop 3 input, replifex in loop 3, loop 3 output into loop 4 input, mpx g2 in loop 4, loop 4 output to amp's efx return.

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Ubersam thanks a lot for the help.


I'll give that a try.


I have a question, if you have some time.


I noticed that you have a Isp decimator. Do you recommend that over a hush super c? Cause I don't know if it's just me or if the hush super c is not that great.

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I've never used any of the Rocktron Hush products so I can't compare. For my application though, I am very satisfied with the Decimator pedal. If you noticed, I have the pedal in one of the loops which is only activated when I call up high-gain patches on the Triaxis. You can imagine the signal chain for high-gain patches as: Guitar > ISP Decimator pedal > Preamp > rest of rig.

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I think I'm gonna return the Hush super c and give the Isp decimator a try, cause I've heard many good reviews on it.


Do you know where I can find a DMC system mix? or something similiar to it, cause I've been looking for one for a long time now and I can't find it.


Thanks for the help, you are opening my eyes into this rack setup world.




By the way your rig ROCKS, I love it.

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The DMC System Mix and System Mix Plus are both discontinued. Last I heard, Voodoo Labs/DMC have a few System Mix (not the plus) units left and you can get it directly from them.


Some of the alternatives would be:








You can also get line mixers from Rane, or maybe Rolls. There is a good article on the use of line mixers in a rack setup. It's at Maarten/tubefreaks site (http://www.tubefreak.com/tubefreak.html) under Articles.

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I actually went with the Rane SM82 that goes well with my setup.


I have a problem.


I have a Furman pl plus with 8 outlets, the thing is that I have 3 connections that are the box type, and they use up 2 outlets, which really sucks.


I was wondering if there is a way to make those power box connections into the kind that use only one outlet on the furman. That way I can connect more.


I hope I'm not to confusing.



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Power strip into the Furman would work, it'll also be the easier solution. Modding the wallwarts, as I did, requires re-housing them. It's more work. It's not really difficult if you're pretty handy with a soldering iron and some hand/power tools.

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I think I will go with the Power strip for now.




I have a different setup now. i got rid of the mesa triple and got myself a Marshall EL34 power amp and a Jmp-1.


Where should I put the Jmp-1 for best results?





Mpx G2

Isp Decimator

Rane Sm82


Marshall El34 power amp


Thanks for the quick answer

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Sorry it took me a while to get around to this. Anyway, assuming that you want to use the efx post preamp, and assuming also that you want stereo efx, this is how I'd do it. The first stages will be same as originally outlined [Cut & Paste from previous post]: Starting with the GCX, using either buffered or feedthrough inputs, out the corresponding output patched into the input of loop 1. Send of loop 1 to the input of the tuner, output of tuner not sent back to loop 1 return (for silent tuning and so that tuner is not in signal chain). Loop 1 will have to be engaged/switched on to tune.


This is where it starts to differ: Loop 1 output into JMP1 input. JMP1 out is split 3 ways (not sure yet what to suggest here, as far as a signal splitter) 1st dry signal into mixer channel 1 , 2nd dry signal into either efx, for the sake of example, the MPX, out put of MPX into mixer channel 2. 3rd preamp output split into 2nd efx, the Replifex, output into mixer channel 3. Output of the mixer into the power amp. Just use the mute function on the efx units when not in use.

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