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my u2 rack

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Nice gear. I find myself wondering if you really need that many 2290s, though.


Also, good guitar parts on your medley. However, the singer does the worst Bono impersonation I've ever heard - sounds absolutely nothing like him, and doesn't get the phrasing right on a lot of the songs, either.


And your drummer puts too many tom rolls into his fills.


But the guitar sounds good!

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Hi I use 3 tc2290s for different signal paths. I have 4 signal paths in total.


That medley was recorded at our 1st proper practise and the band was only 12hrs old at the time.I told our sound man to not put those recordings up on the web because they are so rough,even the guitars in my point of view but many thanks for your feedback as it is really important to listen to other peoples views and improve on our mistakes.

Thanks again Darren;)

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In that case, I'm fairly impressed. Of course, if everyone knows their stuff, it's not too hard to crank out existing tunes, but that's an impressive amount of cohesiveness for a band that's a half-a-day old.


How do you route your signals, that you need three paths for the 2290s? I believe even Edge only uses two in his rig at any one time.


And, for that matter, are there any newer, better clips of you guys playing? I'd be curious to see what you sound like with some practice...

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There are some newer clips of us playing.I will have to get our sound man to upload them to our site.


The reason i have 3 2290,s is simple.I have an anthems path (streets pride) heavy treatment path (h3000 korg a3etc) and pod pro, I have a fourth feed which is for the shimmer treatment that either goes to the board or a seperate amp.

I have the capability to send all my stomp boxes to any chain of rack effects as well!!!!


I only used 1 tc 2290 and an sd1 od2 plus a dm4 for the sound clips that you have heard!!!!



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I see other U2 setups with similar stuff (including The Edge's setup itself actually) and I wonder does anyone know how to use program change messages so you don't need multiples of the same item? If it all comes down to signal paths then you guys should be looking into the Sound Sculpture Switchblade, it's a "anything to anywhere" router/switcher/mixer/etc... You could do what your doing with all the different paths and amps with such ease and much less gear with a Switchblade. It's all very cool stuff that you have there, and I can appreciate what you're doing with the various paths and different amps, but there is a much more practical, efficent way to accomplish the task.



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Originally posted by edgeman

There are some newer clips of us playing.I will have to get our sound man to upload them to our site.

The reason i have 3 2290,s is simple.I have an anthems path (streets pride) heavy treatment path (h3000 korg a3etc) and pod pro, I have a fourth feed which is for the shimmer treatment that either goes to the board or a seperate amp.

I have the capability to send all my stomp boxes to any chain of rack effects as well!!!!

I only used 1 tc 2290 and an sd1 od2 plus a dm4 for the sound clips that you have heard!!!!



Out of curiosity, what are you using for your "shimmer" setup? I noticed that you've got the AMS and the h3000; is that pretty much what you're using? Since the Eventide isn't in your shimmer path, I'm curious if you may be using the SPX1000 instead.


My setup's pretty plain compared to yours: just an A3, a delay unit (a Roland SDE1000) and a Pod Pro, and a Digitech 2112 for any heavy sounds I can't get with the A3.


Have you got any experience with the pitch shifters from Digitech - the IPS33B or DHP55? I've been told those can do a pretty good job of a shimmer effect if used properly.

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I use a full CAE rack switching system with 3x loopers cae dual mixer system power supplies dvc etc 2x expanded rs-10s to control this rack!!!! The newer rs 10s let me send out multiple midi messages on 5 different channels so each tc is set to a different midi number therefore i don,t have to be laboured with midi mapping in the conventional way.


I used to use a digitech 2101 for shimmer but my main shimmer now is the ams spx1000 ams interface and rocktron dvc affair which is di,d or sent to an amp this is signal path number 4 in my set-up.

I do know that one of the digitech units you mentioned has a preset called shimmer!!!


My H3000 is used for pitch shift and a preset called crystal echos that is similar to shimmer but more sparkly.You can here this patch in live versions of still hav,nt found from the elevation tour.



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I agree with Phbtrip......you can get the SAME tones with a MUCH smaller rack if you used a better switcher (Axess RX-1 or Switchblade) and started programming your processors a little bit.....


The size of this rig could be DRAMATICALLY reduced, and still get the same flexibility.....or even more! You could cut it in HALF at least!


No offence intended, but I just think this is not as ergonomic as it could be.......we're all getting older too! A lighter rack is a lot less work! ;)

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