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cool shit for sale

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just don't use it any longer: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmember852258


i've also got my BSS EQ that's potentially for sale...it's just that it was hard to find and cost me about 600 bucks since i had to get it from the u.k. {censored}in' killer unit, though...i might sell it, so if you're looking for a really nice EQ, lemme know: twostroke@gmail.com



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hi there terri...long time no speak indeed. on the bright side, i still rock the shirt you sent me.


i'm currently band-less and i've somewhat recently moved to richmond, virginia and i don't know the scene very well yet...so i'll probably remain bandless for some time yet. it's become obvious to me that i'm regressing back away from the "mountain of gear" mentality and more towards a guitar and a tube amp. namely the fender showman...i miss that amp.


it's funny...i contend that effects are a good "creativity enhancer" but it can get to the point where one is way too reliant upon them and one sort of loses sight of the most basic creative processes of making music, and i think that has happened to me. so, i've gotta get back to the point where i was years ago where i could make a nice melody/chord progression/riff with ten fingers and a guitar.



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Jim, I understand about the whole mountain of stuff syndrome. Just trying to keep it in perspective is hard enough. I know. That's why I too like the plug and play method on occasion. It's a mood thing. I'm still jones'in for a Shiva 2x12 with el34's. Two years now and counting.


Glad you liked the Tee. Keep in touch. :D

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