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GCX Switcher - Ground Loop help


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hello all!

i've got a small but really irritating problem.

I run 2 preamps in my rack, both fed from the GCX switcher. One from the Guitar out and one from the feedthrough. The problem is i get a bad ground loop when they're both connected. unplug one from the gcx and it goes away. its doesnt matter which one.

So i know the problem is coming from there, but i'm damned if i know how to solve it!

Anyone got any advice?

I dont really wanna start lifting the grounds. I like living.

Cheers guys.

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It's not a matter of lifting grounds it's a matter off finding and getting rid of a ground loop. Do a search on ground loops and you will get all the info that you need. Giving that kind of advice on a forum like this though is enough to get a lawsuit for getting some idiot fried for following your advice so I don't give it. Still, I've had to track down many a ground loop in my racks so it's just a laborious and frustrating process.


Have fun!

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thanks for replying.

dont worry, i'm not gonna start lifting the grounds off anything, like i said, i enjoy living!

i did a search before making the post, but none of the solutions seem to help.

just wondered if anyone else had come across a simular problem when running two preamps from a gcx.


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Sounds like you either need an isolated transformer splitter (such as the Axess BS2) or you can use an Ebtech Hum Eliminator. The Ebtech is a 'bandaid' approach to the problem, but it does a good job of getting rid of the 60hz blues.

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