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kurzweil mangler

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anybody got the skinny on this guy? i owned a KSP8 and loved it but i downsized and sold most of my rack gear...so it's a toss-up between the eclipse (also owned a dsp7k) and the kurz. the kurz is obviously hella cheaper and honestly, i don't really prefer eventide over kurz as both offer different things of comparable quality.


thanks for any input you can offer.



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well, i've got some {censored} on ebay right now which will hopefully net me close to what i need to pick up a mangler. i'm not trying to go overboard like i did last time ;) so i'll stick to something relatively simple like the mangler. i'll definitely let folks know when i pick 'er up.



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i bought one once and in a matter of days i put it on ebay.. i thought it sucked..a tc fireworks would eat it for lunch 10 times over..eclipse would also.. ive owned all three.. now i have a h8000 and a tc system 6000...its to bad you got rid of the dsp 7k

because that sounds way better than a eclipse.. the converters

in the 7k are sweet..the eclipse sounds way to digital and dark.

i even think the g-force sounds less digital than the eclipse.but its still a great unit in that price range

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well, i've got one on the way. my curiosity stems from the fact that i really consider the kurzweil KSP8 on par with the DSP7K, sound-quality wise. the effects were equally impressive and while the two manufacturers are clearly aiming at different clientel, the units were considerably similar on many levels.


i'll put a review up here in a week or so.



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oh, i'm sure it does. i don't really expect them to have extracted a handful of algos from the ksp and replicated them verbatim in a smaller box that clearly won't have the same processing power. however, i wonder just how similar they are and if it's sufficient for what i'm shooting for.


in hindsight, i realize that i probably went overboard in the fidelity area...all my {censored} was high sampling rate, high frequency, etc. and just too much for a lowly guitar rig. so, now i'm kinda shooting for something in the middle.


the box arrives on monday, so i'll let you know what's up towards the end of the week.



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"in hindsight, i realize that i probably went overboard in the fidelity area...all my {censored} was high sampling rate, high frequency, etc. and just too much for a lowly guitar rig. so, now i'm kinda shooting for something in the middle."


I know the feeling. Sometimes there's just too much of a good thing.

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well, i've had the mangler for about two weeks now and have been goofing around with the presets. my initial impression is that, while relatively limited in comparison to $2K boxes, it's pretty decent given the price. the presets vary from what is effectively an entire bank of the same damn thing to a bank of useful {censored}. the parameters are alright...i'd prefer more, but so far i've been able to tweak to my satisfaction. the laserverbs are pretty nice, but not nearly as great as what's in the KSP8. the delays are alright and i've found a few cool ones to goof around with. the flangers are cool and once again there are a couple of keepers, especially the delayed flangers, which i think are pretty rad. the pitchers are laughable...they all sound like ring mods, and i suspect they're all built off a ring mod algo. distortion is a joke but that's ok since i'm using a mesa mark2 C+ :D . i'm pleased with the chorus patches and the filters are definitely useful.


i'd really really really like to be able to link patches (KSP8 feature)...if that were the case, i'd be completely stoked...i hear one patch and think "wow, that'd sound great combined with this and that patch" but alas, not an option.


the layout is kinda wonky, but you get used to it. the noise level is pretty good...not a lot of hiss, even on hissy-type effects. the fidelity is pretty good too. as has been mentioned, it's certainly a far cry from my old DSP7K and the KSP8, but for the money, i think i've done alright. perhaps my opinion will change once i've really spent a lot of time tweaking, but we'll see. there's certainly some potential in the thing and i'm gonna do my best to extract what i can. taking everything into account, i'd give it a B-.



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