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Randall RM-4 and Egnater M4

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I must be a moron, but somehow I hadn't heard of these until this week. From what I can tell, it's an all-tube, MIDI compatible preamp that I can make sound like whatever I want. Everyone says I need to get rid of my Vox combo, because it doesn't have a loop. Well if this thing can actually sound like an AC-30, then I could just use it through a power amp and cab. The Pod models just don't respond like a tube amp. I'm thing this would.


The Egnater has better reviews than the Randall, but I have a feeling that alot of that is due to people being enamored by the label. I keep reading about how well they do the high gain stuff, but could this be the piece that will let me have my Vox sound in a rackmounted preamp?:love:

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The Randall TOPA is a great module but it dosen't have a ton of clean head room, so you have to keep the gain low (9 o' clock or lower) to get a chimy AC30 tone. It really makes a great second channel in your rack for classic rock overdrive and for doing dynamic half clean half overdrice tones. The Egnater versions first channel is a bit cleaner and the second channel is like the Randall version. You might want to wait for the Super V module to ship. That will get you into Vox AC30 Country!


Rich Shelby

Randall Inside Sales

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The Egnater product most likely is made with more discerning hands and components. So quality can reasonably be said to be slightly better on the Egnater.


However, I haven't heard any negative reports on the Randall Modular. After all , Bruce did design it. The main difference that I have consistently heard is that the Randall chassis overall sounds a little brighter and the egnater chassis overall sounds just a little darker


Also, Randalls modules simply sound different tha nmany of hte Egnater modules. This isn't bad or good, it jsut means that you can interchange modules between egnater and randall if you find some combination that you happen to dig

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