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Peavey Classic Series 50/50 question

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Hi again


I've just come across. Peaver Classic Series 50/50. 9.2 points in 39 reviews. That's strange, a 50/50 rack power for $250. I got my Engl 2x35 for $300. But my question is how much it supports the low end. My Engl is a pretty nice amp to play home, but when in a big hall, I feels a lack of lows (f.e. the marshal 20/20 has a "deep" button for that, the engl doesn't) and I'd like the sound to be a bit more massive. and I wish it to be a bit more sustainy. What do you think the Peavey is ok in that regard?



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I just picked up a Classic 50/50 after using a Classic 60 (mono) for years. I understand that they are different beasts running different tube types, and I haven't used the 50/50 at a gig yet, but the 60 is definitely capable of some substantial low end. The Classic 50/50 has Resonance and Presence controls (the 60 has only Presence), similar to most of Peavey's guitar amps. At apartment volumes, the controls have a subtle but plainly audible effect, which I expect would be more obvious at gig volumes.


The old Peavey stuff doesn't hold its resale value, but "bang for the buck" goes a long way. At $250, you really can't go wrong. I bought my for $325 and don't regret not waiting for a lower price.

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Ok, I didn't buy it this time though maybe I'll do so next time, or I'll wait until the mesa/boogie 50/50 gets down to $400 as it was once. Now the mesa 50/50 keeps the $800 and that is expensive for me. A new Carvin TS100 may cost so much or Marshall 9100. That why I tought of the Peavey.


by tye way, what's aproximately the peavey 50/50's weight?

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I couldn't say what it weighs, but it is definitely lighter than my Classic 60 or old Carvin T100.


If the current TS100 is anything like the T100, then it will color your sound much less than the Peavey power amps, so if you don't feel that you're getting enough low end with your Engl, the Carvin might not be a good choice. I just started recording using a Carvin T100 with an ART DST-4 preamp on one channel and a Peavey Rockmaster preamp on the other, and it seems very true to the preamp tone.


In general, I think that the distinctive "Peavey sound" that some people love and others hate is more a product of their amps' power sections than the preamps.

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T100 ans TA100 have no much difference I assume. The TS100 is able to work on either el34 or 6f6. The weight is 11.3 kilo. So it meets the terms of post and customs services and the shipment wouldn't cost me so much. I shoud have bought that one, I think.

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