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Marshall 50/50 power amp + TC G System - what preamp ?

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Well, just off the top of my head, i like the one by Randall that has the analog preamp modules.

Another one that i've heard good things about so far is the GSP1101.

Don't you have a POD XT Live (per your signature) doesn't that work as a preamp?

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what preamp would you recommend with the TC Electronic G System ?

it would have to do heavy dirt and not be megabucks



I use multiple pre's with my g-system and 50/50. The question about which pre' to use is only based on the sound you like and/or the style you're playing.


Bottom line is, that any preamp would work well with your g-system, as the g-system is designed to work well with your preamps ;)


If i had to go for cheap but good sounding stuff, i'd jump on the peavey rockmaster or a MP-1.


I'm looking into getting the randall modular system to slim down my gigging rig a bit. At the moment, i'm dragging a 12U setup around for gigs, which is sort of ridiculous, as i mostly use the dirt channels on my pre's, and only two sounds from my mp-1. :D

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what preamp would you recommend with the TC Electronic G System ?

it would have to do heavy dirt and not be megabucks



oh yeah - one more thing. If i were you, i'd go for dedicated, all-tube preamps. You've got stellar effects with the g-system and power enough with the 50/50 already. Now it's time to get some awesome preamp sounds :D


As i see now, you mention heavy dirt. Soldano-stuff is nice and agressive, and the sp-77 isn't very expensive but on the other hand, it has only two channels. Same thing with the studio preamp, and they both sound awesome...


EDIT :: i'm using the mesa 50/50, not the marshall.. powerwise, they're about the same though - going from dead-quiet to insanely loud :D

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