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Gotta wonder (about VHT GP3)

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I had one and got rid of it. I totally regret it too, but I had so much gear at the time somehow I thought it was expendable. I got it for $800. and I haven't seen any since then for less than $1,000., mostly $1,200. range.


It's kinda rare and about as easy to obtain as an original Egnater IE4. All 3 channels are great and there is a ton of switching and mode options, including MIDI.


It was perfect with my 2/50/2. TIGHT gain, although, for me it needed a boost out front. There is a hi gain mod for it, but I didn't find that out til after I sold it. If you have a chance to get one, go for it and hang on to it. It's very usable. :thu:

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