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Cheap board and dimmer setup

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Hey people, new to this section of the forums. I do theatrical light design and run boards so this seems like somewhere I'll be hanging out.


OK, now my equipment question. How much will I have to spend for a DMX512 system, something like 24 dimmers, that I can load in the back of a truck packed into moveable racks, like 19 inch amp racks, and hook up, one cable to 220 mains. I really would like to get (or rent) a moble setup like that since I am thinking of branching out from theatre into live sound and lights for bands, and it would be pretty impressive to clients to say, "Hey, I have 24 par 64s and a few automated fixtures that I could set up for you in 2 hours anywhere you want." I mean, any idiot can hook up a sound board to some speakers and an amp and say they can do live sound, but I want to invest and have a flexable, powerful setup for just about anything. Part of this is also that I play drums and I am tired of being at the mercy of crappy light and sound equipment and techs when I gig.


So, basically I want to start up in the mobile business. Any suggestions as to light gear?

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Sounds like you want to do a 3 phase tie in to the main power. I have only seen it done, neverdone it myself.


Seems like a pretty big set up and the investment may not be worth what you will get back in rentals. If you are thinking a dimmer rack, portable, Probaby minimum 2k/dimmer (so you have the option of 2fering for up to 48 1k PAR64s) figure about 175/individual dimmer. Or around $4200. That seems a little low to me too. I used to work for LMI about 13 years ago and I quoted prices on this stuff. Figure another $2-3000 for a controller with memory.


That is not including power extensions in variable length, trussing, communication cables between the controller and the dimmer rack, nor the 64s. Usually about $50 apiece if you buy the CHEAP ones 24 @$50=$1200



Dimmers $4200

controller $2000 to be conservative

Fixtures $1200

Total $7400 Not including the moving luminaires and control for that


Just this last year I was doing lighting for my band and was looking into club systems. First of all, smaller venues require less wattage. You cant cook the band onstage with 1K 64s. Been there, done that. They will sweat their balls (or ovaries as the case may be) off.


One thing I dont know is what kind of market there is for this sort of thing where you are. Here there is not at all. There a re a few that do it but they dont work every weekend plus there is a rental house here that rents it far cheaper than any one guy can do.


Good luck and keep us posted on what you do!

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Damn, I can't really justify that. I was thinking maybe $5k to start out, but $7k with no board, no trusses, no nothing? I could maybe hire it out once a month and there's some competition around here, so maybe I would just be better off working with theatre and leaving my band's lights to someone who has already blow the money. At least in theatre nothing moves and it's all paid for by someone else, and cues are much easier to program because you don't have to synch to music and stuff . . . Midi is just something I never got the hang of.


Oh, well, the end of that wishful thought. Thanks.

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If you are not in a hurry, try Ebay. I have seen older dimmer packs/racks on there occasionally. The DMX protocol has been around fo quite a while so, I would assume some of this stuff could be purchased used. I cant imagine used truss is terribly expensive.


The other option is a business loan. Seeing as you want to do this as a sideline it might be feasable.

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