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Paid gig/Good lighting?

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on the 19th dec my bands playing a gig in pinjarra (maybe familiar to some west aussies). its a bit of a hole but not too bad, lol. yeah, well, now to the point.


which do you think is more important?

the gig has GOOD lighting


the gig is payed (the trip down there will be maybe and hour and a half, carrying all gear - drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, amps, mics etc - plus petrol money)?


which do you think is the better option, at the moment I think the guy who is organising it is going for the lightning cos (and I agree) it will make it look a {censored}load better, but I just feel that we should be getting paid for our efforts (he did mention paying us, but its his final decision). whats your opinion?


- Joe

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Not exactly sure what you are getting at, but...


Lighting serves a few functions.


#1. Illuminating the stage so the actors (musicians) can be seen.

#2. Defining the stage area thus seperating the performers from the audience.

#3. It is a show, damn it! Make it look like one!

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I'd play a free show with amazing lighting (we're talking technobeams, Studio Spots, and kilo strobes minimum here) over a paid show with no (or virtually no) lighting. If anything, it'll give you a good video, and if you can take it off the board, you'll have a great video.

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