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Need Lighting Ideas-Assistance


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Hello All,


I'm new to lighting so here goes.


I'm running sound for a single performer currently with no lights since the venues we are in corrently have lighting, but I would like to have our own lighting & DMX.


We normally work on small to medium stages. I would like to work in a 15'X15' area (remember, one performer). My performer played in Vegas for many years (worked with Tom Jones, Sinatra, Motown etc.) and I would like to have a flashy show using DMX.


I have a 15' truss that we are having a backdrop made in two reversable colors, black and red.


We have on set of 4 par cans on a tripod (and a DMX Operator still in the box ). I would like to get another tripod and use different lighting other than par cans to flood the stage in colors + a couple of DMX lights like DJ Spot 250's to kick it up a notch. Maybe something mounted on the truss too to have a "wow" effect. I would also like to spot the performers face or full body shot.


Any ideas from members here would be appreciated, or maybe you can point me in a different direction, and open to used equipment offers too by PM'ing me.


Thank you!

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From my limited experience I would say if the house has some form of lighting that's what I would use rather than toting my lights around. Any chance I get to use the house lights and sound that's what I do. As long as it is adequate of course. I thought my band needed it's own light show, until we got it and found out it is more trouble than it is worth in the small clubs we play in. There was one club we were playing that didn't have any lights at all. That is why we bought the lights we bought, but we have played there 1 time since we bought the lights and we have since made the decision not to play there again.

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There are some venues that we need lights to make the show "happen."


For example we are doing a New Years' show in a hotel that has no lights. So, if we need lights, why not something to make people remember a great show. I don't want to drag around a truck load of equipment, but something is better than nothing.


Like I stated before, some clubs have limited lights, why not bring a few extra pieces from a complete set of our own?


Sometimes you need the full compliment, some times you could use just enough of your own lights to complete the show.


I ask everyone again . . . what would you own to make a complete light show without spending yourself into hell?

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Since you already have a DMX controller why not consider the following.


4 - LED wash lights, two per side will give you all the color combinations you could ever want.


2 - SCX 500 flat mirror scanner, one each side. Can be used to spot the performer, sweep the audience and cast gobo patterns on your backdrop.


1 - EFX 500 barrel mirror scanner mounted top center of your truss. All kinds of WOW.

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Originally posted by BillESC


Since you already have a DMX controller why not consider the following.

4 - LED wash lights, two per side will give you all the color combinations you could ever want.

2 - SCX 500 flat mirror scanner, one each side. Can be used to spot the performer, sweep the audience and cast gobo patterns on your backdrop.

1 - EFX 500 barrel mirror scanner mounted top center of your truss. All kinds of WOW.



Thanks for the suggestions Bill . . . I'll call you as mentioned before.

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Originally posted by VegasShow

Thanks for the suggestions Bill . . . I'll call you as mentioned before.



You can light a one person band with the minimal amount of equipment. DMX is a modern version of analogue +10volts to control a dimmer so don't be too quick in assuming you need a DMX controller in the first place.


It's all very well shelling out a bunch of cash on LED this and DMX that, but, like sound, unless you understand the basics of how it works, you can easily fall down.


15" by 15" stage. Two front white lights (tungsten preferrable so any par can or profile with a shutter or barn doors (for shuttering off the light spill) will do for front light. You have a 15 foot truss which you could hang on some well chosen coloured par cans as back light, or go for a couple of wash lights. Two moving lightings or programmable wash effects up the back drop and then your left with some minor effects additions to complete a working show.


If you can't program a variety of looks, then go for something straight forward that you can do minimal temperature change on for the show.


Best of luck, and... don't got for a solution that might become confusing unless you have the time and the application to pull it off..


Regards. Rimmer

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