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My par cans are all using DYS lamps, not my fave but it'll have to do for now. In the summer I'll be upgrading all lamps to sealed beam 500w but not sure if WFL or MFL is best. Most apps are on sticks in the front corners of the stage. Any ideas?

(not doing LED, sorry)

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Even though the sealed beam lamps cost more you'll start saving money due to the longer life rating and the fact that sealed beams are road worthy.


The choice of MFL or WFL will depend on the throw can coverage you need.


The beam spread on a 500par64 lamp are as follows: (keep in mind the beam is oval in shape and can be oriented in any plain.)


MFL @ 10' - 3.5' x 6.3', @ 20' - 7.1' x 12.6'


WFL @ 10' - 6.3' x 12.7', @ 20' - 12.6' x 25.5'

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Oval? How so? It will be oval if I aim the can down x degrees, but parallel to the floor isn't it round?


Just looking at the WFL would be good in most apps but say hanging fron some truss might be too wide. But since 95% of the time it's on the corners WFL sounds right.


Yea the cost savings are great vs DYS. I've been running the same DYS 300w on par64s for 3 years now. I'd love to drop the $ and go all sealed (24 cans) but it won't happen til summer.


Are the reflector dishes WFL/MFL generally? oh well, watch ebay for a slew of them in the coming months.

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The reflectors for the DYS lamp are available as NS, MFL and WFL. They produce a circular beam spread.


The numbers I listed are for a straight shot on a wall with the lamp having the long axis horizontal ( Height x Width )

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