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Wash Lighting


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Looking for info here please. I don't know anything about lights. Am wondering what it would take to do wash lighting on a stage say 15' x 25'. I was thinking 4 of the 200b's might cover it OK but I don't really know. The colorstrips are a little pricey.

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I'm presently using 5 200B's for wash lighting. In some rooms, they look great, and in other rooms, they look weak. It depends on the size of the stage and the setup of the venue. Also, the 200Bs have to be aimed well, or they won't be enough to truly wash the stage. I use 4 up front, and 1 on the back, aimed down at the drummer.


All things considered.. I'm only using the 200B's as washes because I got them cheap. If I had a few extra bucks to spend, I'd probably grab a couple of Colorstrips or Zippers as well.

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Here is a link to the 200B for reference.


I'm seeing those for about $149 each, surely someone has a lower price on them huh?


What about these for stage wash?






These are very similar to the COLORado 3, but cost much less....$399.

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The 200B's have 199 5mm diodes whereas the Mega Pixel LED, Colorstrip and Zipper all offer 384 5mm diodes for only a couple bucks more. Strip style fixtures provide a better and brighter wash and would better suit your needs.

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We use 3 colorstrip minis for wash from the front. Couldnt be happier. I am interested in what you decide to go with since I don't have much experience with other options since these are the first I've had. I looked at a couple of the ones you mentioned but was able to get the colorstrips at a good price so I went with those. Look around on craigslist and call a couple of places and try and get an awesome deal. Worked for us. Good luck.

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While a nice fixture I believe it would be over kill. What size venues do you typically work in?



Well I thought about that.

Dimming is a function of the unit.


In the past I have played the bar gigs etc, and I really am planning to stay away from those.

I'm trying to build a system that can be used for wedding receptions and corporate functions. Either for a band or as a DJ.

I want to have a sytem that is useable for most applications.

My plan is to get a truss system and lights and run it myself as a side income.

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I don't think that's the fixture for you. For Weddings and corporate work, you'll need fixtures that can complimentry flesh tones which simple RGB fixtures can't do very well.


You'll want units that offer RGBAW color mixing. To put diode output into perspective, the picture below is using only 12 one watt red diodes and the fixture is 20 feet in front of the subject.



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WOW that really red!

(sarcasm on) But isnt extreme lighting a corner of the market that should be explored? Kinda like extreme sports? (sarcasm off)


I guess other than a passing positive comment, the lights should not be a topic of conversation at a reception or corporate event.

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Well I went ahead and got a couple of the Irradiant RIVER3 / PIXEL BAR / SSDL-6064, which is very similar to the Chauvet COLORado3.

Rated for outdoors, and has 54 1W LED's...18 each RGB.

Very bright!

Both out the door for $640.


I probably will still get a few par cans, maybe a zipper or two, and some of those 3W pinspots for eye candy put in a chase pattern or strobe.

My daughter wants me to get a mirror ball anyway, so I will.

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