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What the heck???

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Active and powered can mean the same...when talking from an AC perspective.


I think Shure categorized montors a bit weird in the link you pasted....not necessarily wrong.


The "Active" and "Passive" categories of monitor refer the type of crossover that is used by the speaker. I hear the term "bi-amped" more often to refer to a speaker that uses an external active crossover.


In my vocabulary, you have the broad general category of powered and unpowered. You can then further expand a monitor (speaker) description by saying it is biamped or not.


I guess there are a few ways of saying the same thing.....definitely gets confusing!

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Ok so Shure wants everyone to believe that Wedge monitors are the devil, and thier IEMs are the saviour of all feedback problems. They kept saying that each member of the band could get their own mix, well that's only true if the board the sound guy is using has enough aux sends for each member to get their own personalized mix. The same can be done with out IEMs if the sound guy has enough monitors, power amps and aux sends also. The article also talked about hearing loss due to wedge monitors, but is it really the monitor that's doing the damage, or the screaming marshall stacks, and pounding drums? And what kind of damage do those IEMs cause. I'd imagine that they don't block out ALL unwanted sound, so you'd have to keep them relatively loud to compete with the backline, and since they are directly in your ear they have to be doing some damage, just like listening to a pair of headphones. I don't disagree that IEMs are great, but this article was weighted to make them seem like the best thing since sliced bread, especially if you buy them from Shure. I bet this article would be a lot different if Shure made wedge monitors.



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