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Bose PAS (personal amplification system) VERY CONFUSING!

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Originally posted by Amado

And yeah, our band always sounds better after the audience has had a few drinks! (It's a standard joke of ours, on stage we announce "drink more beer, we'll sound better." Does everybody do this?)



I can't speak for everybody, but this is standard fare for my band. We find we sound better after we've had more beers too.







While we're still on the subject of the PAS, I was readign the users guide PDFs on the Bose site and saw that it recommends 7'-8' between sticks, and 7'-8' between each individual stick and the player. It goes further to suggest that these distances can be as little as 3', but I'm guessing that in order to get a decent balance between performers that the greater distance is optimal. My question/objection is: Where do you steal the extra space for the PAS system when you only have a 10'x10' or 12'x12' space to set up the entire band? The drumkit alone takes up about 6'x8'.



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We come closer to the 3' thing in most of the places we play. We've probably stretched out to 7' or so at few of our outdoor things.


A little bit of space is stolen back from the front of the stage, the part that used to be covered in floor monitors or blocked by mains. But I'm sure some spaces are too small. Hey, if yer out of space, yer out of space!


We've got a challenge coming up... there's this club with a 4.5' deep stage, maybe 15' - 25' wide. We may not be able to use the systems in this room. Real small room. We'll see... we may try it.



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