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mic for live use...

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Singer has been practicing using a SM57...


It was his main vocal mic leftover from his last band...


Well, one too many drops and it bit the dust the other night...


He tried a Beta 58 in Dallas and said he liked it...


Singing style varies AIC, Metallica, a ballad here and there...


Any suggestions on a good dependable mic for live use...


Will need a beater (cheap) backup also...

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Probably your best bet is to get a 3 pack of Sennheiser 835's ($199 for three), which get pretty good reviews here (some think they are as good as SM 58's etc, which are better than 57's for vox.)


Not a big fan of the Beta 58...a little harsh in the mids.


One other relatively cheap mic I actually do like for its strong signal and durability is the AKG C790, which I think they only sell at GC for like $110 or so. Worked well for me for a while.

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you can't go wrong with either sennheiser or shure. I use both a shure beta 58 and a sennheiser 845 (both in the $150 price range). the beta 58 has more pronounced upper mids, so in a small bright room, its lethal, and in that situation I use the 845 which is a bit smoother, but doesn't cut through the mix as well with out some eq.


in general, find a microphone lets your singer sounds good with a flat eq. less hassle for both the band and the soundguy.


I personally don't like the sm57 for vocals, great for guitar and drums, but the windscreen on them make them a little too directional compared to a sm58, so if you get off axis you start to drop off pretty quickly

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