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Fostex MR-8???

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Hey everyone,

Okay I'm a drummer but I do most of the work with the recorder and I'm the only one who knows how to use it (but it's not mine). Okay so we recorded the drums, 2 guitars, and bass, on 1-6. Then, we bounced 1-6 to 7/8. Then we recorded vocals on 1/2 and copied them to 3/4. So we had the same vocals on 1 and 3 and 2 and 4. Then we panned 1/2 hard left and 3/4 hard right. In the interlude we put the plate effect on 3/4, and in the outro we put it the room effect on. So now we are done, but I cant put the whole song on the computer. I converted the music on 7/8 to a stereo .wav file and I can get that to the computer. I just cant get the lyrics to go with the music. If i try to bounce the tracks to 7/8 it will overwrite the music. And I tried bouncing it to 5/6 but theres not enough memory. So is there anyway to save everything all together? Thanks

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