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Mic Technique

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Many times a good dynamic vocalist will sing soft passages close to the mic and will pull the mic away when singing louder (usualy I like this because I don't have to use as much compression :>). This leads to an interesting tradeoff though which I'm sure you've all experianced. It is when a singer is really belting out the high notes when the source to mic distance is greatest. Unfortunatley this is often when a voice gets thinner and could benefit from the proximity effect which was just lessened or removed by moving the mic away. This has the effect of making the EQ on this singer voice fluctuate (sometimes a lot and not in a way which is flattering to their voice). Does anyone have a fix for this? I've had some luck with multiband compressors but these are not commonly found in your everyday FOH rig.

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originaly posted by where02190

This is why I like the Shure Beta57A, 87 and Sennheiser 835 and 865, they have very little proximity effect.



Which one of these would be best suited for a female singer in a typical rock situation?

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