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Yorkville U15 vs JBL VRX932

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Has anyone out there had experience with both of these speakers? If so could you share your observations? I have a motown type horn band that I'm always looking to upgrade and lighten the gear. I was playing in a ballroom next to another similar band and they were using the JBL VRX. I couldn't really tell much about the sound because they were not pushing them at all. Afterwards, down on the loading dock thier guy was telling me how great these speakers were and how light they are. I've been interested in the Unity series for awhile now and that's why I was asking for that comparison. I currently use a set of EAW LA215's which sound great but are not much in the loner throw area. Thanks in advance for any imput.

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Go do a search on the prosoundweb.com boards. you will come up with several users of the VRX boxes. Seems they are all happy with the system and comments on the through and quailty of the sound. You will need some decent amps but they are easier to move around and you can set a pair (or more) on a pole over the subs.

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