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Experience with JBL PRX515's?

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Well, with the help of so many of you, I'm real close to buying a pair of JBL PRX515's with a Yamaha MG 166CX mixer to run our jazz group through. My thinking is I'll add a sub later if I really find the need for one.


Having said that, I figured I'd see if there's anyone out there using the PRX515's. Before I pull the trigger, I'd like any real world feedback on these cabinets that you might be able to give me. Thanks very much.

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I use the PRX512s and they are great. Consider a small sub and the 512s. The 515s will sound a little muddier with a sub but they do sound good at the store. If you are putting drums and bass in the system you will NEED a sub. I personally believe a sub is even more important in jazz than in rock.

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