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Direct Box - active or passive???

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Hey guys,


Some background - I'm a guitarist, and my band is moving to everyone going direct live. We hire out the sound or use the house system and engineer, so the system and available equipment is typically different each time.


I'm using a POD XTLive (don't hate me!!) and it gets the job done for me (I'm in a mellencamp tribute band). We can keep the stage volume nice and low this way, so that's nice. After having two peavey classic amps blow on me in mid set in the past 6 weeks, I'm fully prepared to not haul a tube amp around anymore. The sound company typically provides DIs for everyone, but I'm concerned with an electric, acoustic, bass, and two keyboard inputs that we may not have enough some times. We had just enough at our last show, so I'm looking at just buyng my own to have on hand if we need it. So far I've seen the behringers being used live, up to the radial J48 I think.


So my question (finally) is should I buy an active or passive DI to use with the XTLive? It has line level 1/4 outputs.


I've got my eye on something like one of the EWIs from audiopile. Seems like a good value, and I've bought things from them before and been very happy. Will a passive one do me any good, or should I just go with an active? Looking at the under $100 range.


I have a feeling some sound guys will not be happy with me running the POD, but last week's guy thanked us all profusely for all going direct. The week before, when my amp blew and I had to switch to the POD mid song, the guy said "it didn't sound terrible." I'll take it!


Thanks for your input.

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Oh Contrare (did I spell that right?)


Usualy I would thank you for using a pod (as long as you get a good tone out of it).


To answer your question. A passive DI should work for you just fine.


The biggest reason for active D.I.s is that they can have a very high impedance input therefor not loading down passive pickups (which can change your tone quite a bit). I'd spec an active DI for direct passive pickups (especialy for acoustic instruments with pickups which can often be piezzos (very low level and high impedance devices)).


For line level signals like your pod or synth's or active pickups etc... a passive device is fine and even slightly preferable (with an active DI your adding extra electronics in the signal path which can also adds extra noise, extra chance of distortion and yet another possible failure point).


I've used a lot of Whirlwind Directors and a few Radials (both are excelent). Never used the EWIs but I hear they get rave reviews. I have done business with Mark in the past and can recommend him highly. Go with the EWIs I think you'll be happy.

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I agree with crownman, on each of his suggestions. I would only add that since you will be getting away at a pretty affordable price... certainly a lot less than a full stage amp... although the sansamp units are not exactly cheap... but still... I would suggest getting two of each... so you will always have a spare just in case. I think that using the POD is an awesome way to go, even if the sound is never "quite" the same... the ease of use, and the low stage volume may end up making it totally "worth it", and have the actual final product actually sounding better.

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Thanks for the advice everyone, I will be ordering the EWI passive unit today.

Just going to go with the one for now, as essentially what I am buying is a backup for when the soundguy doesn't have enough DIs. I will let the other guys in the band buy whatever if they choose to. I'm just trying to be proactive so I'm not the one that is causing trouble. Really, the other guys have no other option but to go direct.


I wouldn't say I'm getting off cheap either. I have a peavey classic 50 that I was using that crapped out on a gig. I took it to be repaired, and they had a classic 30 used in the store, so I thought "why not save my back the hassle of carrying the 2x12?" So I gig that amp twice, and during the second gig, a tube blows, taking out an internal fuse. So then that one goes to the shop.


In the meantime, I already have the XTlive. But, I get a sweet deal on a new X3 Live, so I have to get it. So at least I have a backup for the direct rig. Now I've got the two peaveys sitting at home. Guess I'll sell at least one of them. It's a good thing I don't collect PA systems! Couldn't afford to have a pile of them sitting in the basement.


Running with everyone direct has actually been really nice on stage. THe drummer doesn't hit too hard, so we can keep everything pretty quiet, and the singers can hear themselves. THe two places where we've gone direct though were big, nice venues, with good systems, so we had like 6 monitor mixes if we wanted them. Only conern I could see is if we only get two mixes, then everyone has to hear my guitar, or I've got to be real quiet and hope I'm on the right fret.


Kind of funny, in a sort of small venue after my first amp died, I decided to try running the pod, but brought an amp along as well. Which happened to be a hughes & kettner triamp 100 W half stack. I stroll in with the POD under arm, and tell the engineer I'll be going direct. He says don't you have an amp? I tell him yes, and what it is, and that I fear I'll kill small animals in this 100 person room. Well, he didn't like the POD idea, so I wheel the beast in, and roll with it. Sounded pretty good, and actually the engineer was very good. My back didn't think the sound was that much better though.

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Mole Man said...

I wouldn't say I'm getting off cheap either.


I guess I have to agree... no one who is having to pay for equipment for a sound stage is getting off cheap. I just meant that Di boxes were cheaper than whole amps.

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Yeah, it's an expensive hobby for me for sure.


Even moreso frustrating since I had the POD sitting there all along while I was buying the amps! :lol:


Should have just gone that route in the first place.


Anyhow, I'll have a DI under the christmas tree in a few weeks.

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