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Digitech Vocalist Live Pro

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See press release on HC home page today.


Oh yeah! This is what those of us who were reluctant to buy the Live 2 or Live 4 were waiting for: midi control in a rackmount unit. I don't believe for a second that this will be shipping in March, but I can't wait to read some early reviews.

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A PRO question for Failure Theory.

Just got my PRO. I've noticed when I turn the unit on I don't have harmony unless I turn the harmony level knob. When I turn the unit on the Lead Vocal, Harmony and Reveb level knobs are set around 12:00. The Lead Vocals and Reverb work without doing anything more than turning the unit on. It's just the Harmony. I turned the unit on and off several times and always have this issue.

Have you experienced anything like this?

I know I need to play with it, but this seems strange.





I noticed something similar, but didn't pay it much attention. I thought it was the patch that I was on. i.e. if the patch's default was to have the harmony on it would be on when turning the unit on, or when switching to that patch. The lead vocals and reverb settings are most likely 'on' as the default setting for the majority of the presets.


1st thing to check: is the harmony light on when this occurs? Another thing you need to see is if the footswitch is engaging the harmony. Do you have the GNX3? If the light is on and no harmony is coming out that is a problem. You could try a system reset. Use the librarian to save any patches you may have made. I will take a look at it this weekend to see if I can reproduce the same results.

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I noticed something similar, but didn't pay it much attention. I thought it was the patch that I was on. i.e. if the patch's default was to have the harmony on it would be on when turning the unit on, or when switching to that patch. The lead vocals and reverb settings are most likely 'on' as the default setting for the majority of the presets.

1st thing to check: is the harmony light on when this occurs? Another thing you need to see is if the footswitch is engaging the harmony. Do you have the GNX3? If the light is on and no harmony is coming out that is a problem. You could try a system reset. Use the librarian to save any patches you may have made. I will take a look at it this weekend to see if I can reproduce the same results.


Got it Figured out from MarKur on the VL4 forum;


"I think I know what's happening. Just after I got my unit I plugged an expression pedal in and was surprised to find that it automatically controlled the harmony level without me even doing any setup! Reading your post got me thinking so I just tried unplugging the harmony pedal and found the same thing you're seeing. I think the unit is looking for an expression pedal and when it doesn't find one it assumes the volume is low, but as soon as you touch the front knob, it takes over. It only happens right after turning it on, right?


Happily, there's a simple solution for anyone not using an expression pedal. Go to the main menu, go into MIDI EXPR PEDAL SETUP, scroll down to CC/EXPR PDL / CONTROLLER MAP and select that, and then change CONTROLLER 1 to (mine was set to EXP PEDAL). Now it behaves as you'd expect when no expression pedal is connected. At first I thought you might have to change every preset, but this way you just change the map in one place and if you ever get an expression pedal you can just change it back and it will control harmony levels in all the presets. Maybe Digitech wanted it to be plug 'n play with an expression pedal (which it is) but I think they should have left the default to ."


What is the "Librarian"?


Thanks for your help



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The Librarian is to store patches on the comp. I believe it is available on the Digitech website. I thought the manual explained it. I haven't started using it yet, but I will look into it. It would be much easier to share patches than the excel method. Although, all the work some have put into the spreadsheets is much apreciated!

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The Librarian is to store patches on the comp. I believe it is available on the Digitech website. I thought the manual explained it. I haven't started using it yet, but I will look into it. It would be much easier to share patches than the excel method. Although, all the work some have put into the spreadsheets is much apreciated!



The manual does mention the Librarian breifly, page 6 number 2, USB.

I was just on the Digitech site and the software is not available yet. My understanding of the software, after speaking to Shane from Digitech, is to uplaod your patches to the PC so you don't lose them. I wonder if you can view the data on your computer? Make changes to a patch on the PC and upload it to the PRO? We'll have to wait and see.





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I don't know, but if it's anything like the librarian / editor for the GSP1101 (X-Edit 2 or something along those lines), then it's a full graphical editor that allows you to do pretty much anything you want!



I hope so. That would be fantastic to manipulate patches on the PC than upload them to the PRO. Again, we'll have to wait and see. I'll have to give Digitech a call to see when they plan to release the PRO librarian software.


I have some questions that hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can answer.

What is the "Parametric Filter"?

What is the "Band Limit" (Resonance, Center Frequency) used for? Is it for a special effect or further control over EQ?


Thanks in advance

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The Librarian is not an editor like X-edit. Unfortunately they do not have an interace for X-edit and the VLPro. I use X-edit for my GSP 1101 (Guitar Processor) and I hate having to use the actual unit now. I guess there's just not enough engineering time to do X-edit for the VL stuff. Hopefully in the future! I'm not sure if the librarian will show you the settings or just let you save a file. I will look into it...

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The Librarian is not an editor like X-edit. Unfortunately they do not have an interace for X-edit and the VLPro. I use X-edit for my GSP 1101 (Guitar Processor) and I hate having to use the actual unit now. I guess there's just not enough engineering time to do X-edit for the VL stuff. Hopefully in the future! I'm not sure if the librarian will show you the settings or just let you save a file. I will look into it...



I spoke with Digitech a couple of days ago. They said the developers were putting the finishing touches on the program and it should be released in the near future.


He claims you will have the capability to not only save your patches you created on your computer via the USB port, but you'll be able to view them, create/edit patches, upload them to the VLPro and share patches with other users.


Sounds to good to be true, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. That would be fantastic!


Let's wait and see.



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I spoke with Digitech a couple of days ago. They said the developers were putting the finishing touches on the program and it should be released in the near future.

He claims you will have the capability to not only save your patches you created on your computer via the USB port, but you'll be able to view them, create/edit patches, upload them to the VLPro and share patches with other users.

Sounds to good to be true, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. That would be fantastic!

Let's wait and see.




I am 99.99% sure that is wrong. Unless the project manager decided to suddenly change it! Someone is mis-informed. X-edit is the DigiTech software used for editing patches of any DigiTech product. I am looking at some preliminary info for the Librarian and I don't see anything about being able to see information about your patch, or edit it for that matter. However, this will allow for easily sharing patches and reorganizing the patch order in the VLPro, and of course storage...

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Has anyone tried the Behringer FCB1010 yet? I have one just waiting to be played with, but I haven't had the time!



Digitech recomends that pedal. I took a look at it online. 10 switches and 2 expression pedals! BIG pedal board!


Personally, I'm a MIDI illiterate. Don't know the first thing about it. Doubt if I could hook it up. Maybe one day in the distant future, untill then I'll stick with my simple 3 switch pedal.


Good luck with it and enjoy. Let us know how you like it.


Too bad about the Librarian. Sounded really good.



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Hi guys

I have the vocalist live 4 at the moment,but i'm a very basic guitar player and i don't play keyboards,this limits me to basic 3-5 chord songs to generate harmony.

My question is can the vocalist live pro generate harmony from a midifile from my pc plugged in,not a guitar or keyboard.


Gary :)

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Hi guys

I have the vocalist live 4 at the moment,but i'm a very basic guitar player and i don't play keyboards,this limits me to basic 3-5 chord songs to generate harmony.

My question is can the vocalist live pro generate harmony from a midifile from my pc plugged in,not a guitar or keyboard.




Why don't you want hook up your guitar to the Pro? I know that the Pro has been advertised to do post proccesing; i.e. take a guitar .wav and a vocal .wav from your DAW and generate the harmonies. I'm sure you could use a midi file. I will, however, have to double check on that, and how...

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Why don't you want hook up your guitar to the Pro? I know that the Pro has been advertised to do post proccesing; i.e. take a guitar .wav and a vocal .wav from your DAW and generate the harmonies. I'm sure you could use a midi file. I will, however, have to double check on that, and how...


Thank you for the reply.

As i said i'm a very basic guitar player so when i want to generate harmony to say a song like yesterday by the beatles i'm unable to play the chords to the song,i'm ok with Everly brothers song types when i hook my guitar up.

I'd appreciate if you could try a midifile and see if it works.

Thanking you.

Gary :)

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The answer I received was: "absolutely." Now I would need to mess with mine at home to find out how. There are two ways you could use the midi file. First, as a chord source. Second, to drive the actual notes created by the Pro. I'll have to look at both methods. Don't expect anything until the beginning of next week though. I'll probably have some time on the weekend. Now you've got me curious!

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About the midi file send. Do you have a soundcard with a midi port? You will need that and whatever midi software to do what you're talking about. Or you could do a recording and play the chords (no need to strum, just hold it out the designated length). In this case you'd use the normal MusicIQ Guitar mode, not the midi. Maybe GuitarPro or a similar program could be used to generate an analog signal (i.e. guitar chord) and used for the MusicIQ guitar mode. If you are serious about the midi then you could get the soundcard and use the midi for tempo for delays and you would need a metronome to keep yourself in time with the midi notes!

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About the midi file send. Do you have a soundcard with a midi port? You will need that and whatever midi software to do what you're talking about. Or you could do a recording and play the chords (no need to strum, just hold it out the designated length). In this case you'd use the normal MusicIQ Guitar mode, not the midi. Maybe GuitarPro or a similar program could be used to generate an analog signal (i.e. guitar chord) and used for the MusicIQ guitar mode. If you are serious about the midi then you could get the soundcard and use the midi for tempo for delays and you would need a metronome to keep yourself in time with the midi notes!




Yes i have got midi ports with my sound card.

I guess recording the chords is one way, but i was hoping you could just sing from a midi file.

I'd also like to point out i want this for home recording not for live work.

Gary :)

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Yes i have got midi ports with my sound card.

I guess recording the chords is one way, but i was hoping you could just sing from a midi file.

I'd also like to point out i want this for home recording not for live work.



Ok, then it will work the same way as if you had a midi piano. You will plug a midi cable from your comp. midi out to the midi in on the Pro. You will need a program on your comp. that sends midi (a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation i.e. recording siftware) should do) and a way to keep time (again the DAW can supply this). I assume that most programs that send a midi could also send an audible bleep out the speaker outs on your soundcard. You could use headphones to listen to this while singing, and you will need a mixer if you want to hear the guitar and your vocals out the headphones too. The Pro will do this, the details on the rest of your setup you will need to work out.


Note: If you are only doing this for recording than you will approach it different. I would (using a metronome) lay down your guitar track first. Then I would lay down a dry vocal track (bypassing the VLPro). Then you will post process your dry vocals in the pro and add the harmony voices. This will take as many steps as your soundcard/mixer allows. (i.e. if you have a mixer that attaches via USB some of them can send more than just 1 set of stereo channels (some soundcards allow multiple inputs). You could use channel 1 for your lead voice (processed) and channel 2, 3, 4, and 5 for your 4 harmony voices and do it in on take. If your setup only allows for recording one track at a time you will need 5 different takes for all the tracks. You will use the DAW to send your dry vocal track and your guitar track (for MusicIQ) to the VLPro. thus the harmonies will be generated (you could create a midi track in your daw and send that to the Pro) I highly suggest downloading the manual from the Digitech site and looking at the configurable outputs section and the post processing section, and possibly the midi section. You can, however, rest at ease that the Pro will do this no problem. This is where you NEED the Pro, the VL4 will do none of this.

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Ok, then it will work the same way as if you had a midi piano. You will plug a midi cable from your comp. midi out to the midi in on the Pro. You will need a program on your comp. that sends midi (a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation i.e. recording siftware) should do) and a way to keep time (again the DAW can supply this). I assume that most programs that send a midi could also send an audible bleep out the speaker outs on your soundcard. You could use headphones to listen to this while singing, and you will need a mixer if you want to hear the guitar and your vocals out the headphones too. The Pro will do this, the details on the rest of your setup you will need to work out.

Note: If you are only doing this for recording than you will approach it different. I would (using a metronome) lay down your guitar track first. Then I would lay down a dry vocal track (bypassing the VLPro). Then you will post process your dry vocals in the pro and add the harmony voices. This will take as many steps as your soundcard/mixer allows. (i.e. if you have a mixer that attaches via USB some of them can send more than just 1 set of stereo channels (some soundcards allow multiple inputs). You could use channel 1 for your lead voice (processed) and channel 2, 3, 4, and 5 for your 4 harmony voices and do it in on take. If your setup only allows for recording one track at a time you will need 5 different takes for all the tracks. You will use the DAW to send your dry vocal track and your guitar track (for MusicIQ) to the VLPro. thus the harmonies will be generated (you could create a midi track in your daw and send that to the Pro) I highly suggest downloading the manual from the Digitech site and looking at the configurable outputs section and the post processing section, and possibly the midi section. You can, however, rest at ease that the Pro will do this no problem. This is where you NEED the Pro, the VL4 will do none of this.


Thank you very much for the information.

I'll be selling my VL4 now for a pro.

Gary :)

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I just ordered the VLPro to try it our as I already have the VL4. I got the GNXFC pedal for theis. Right choice?



Yes sir. The GNXFS or the FS3X. I have the FS3X. My only complaint is that it is so small. So, you'll want an expression pedal for turning harmonies off and on. The 3-button switch would work for preset changes and perhaps effects on/off. Of course you can set it up how you want.

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