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Bass Gtr/Snare Clipping

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I'm using a Mackie CFX 20 board for my 7 piece funk/GB band. The bass player runs direct out of the back of his amp (XLR) and I mic the snare. The problem is that even when I turn the gain all the the way off, the board still shows the signal is clipping for both instruments, and there is no pad on each channel. I'm thinking maybe DI box for the bass, but what can I do for the snare?

BTW, the bass gtr signal is pre-volume, and I've had the same issue with several players with different amp, and I tried different channels on the board with no luck.

Thanks for everyone's help and input!

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For the bass, get a DI that has the -10 -20 & -40 DB settings and put it wherever it will let you bring up the channel gain a little.


From my experience, if the drummer is hitting the snare so hard that it will clip with the gain all the way down then he's probably making it loud enough to not be needed in the mix. However, an inline DB pad like the one pictured below should work just fine for you. They sell them in different amounts of DB cut. I usually keep a few in my bag for the briefcase gigs.


Sorry the pic is so big, LOL.



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