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mic's for vocals only?

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We are playing a very small stage in a pub this saturday.

The music is classic rock.The band is a 5 piece w/2 guitars,bass,

drums and vocalist.

The stage is so small that I 'm sure that the stage volume of the

instruments will overpower the FOH.

I have seen a few bands be able to play a very sm. stage and make it work,

but we are not one of those bands.Our stage volume is reasonable,

but if the FOH is just 10 feet from the amp backline,it just seems that

the mikes would be useless.

We are thinking of just mike's for the vox,and perhaps for the kick.

Adjusting our stage volume to the drummer and going from there.


We are playing inside an open faced box like 10' x 15' w a semi circle front.

Other bands I have seen there are using 2 monitors upfront,a couple of

monitors on sticks and that's it.


running a carvin rx1200 with jbl 12" monitors and 2 JBL 125's(2x15 and a high).Going to set them on the stage front ends.


The place per se is not small,rather medium sized.But the stage is puny,

inside a box like railed in stage w an open face.

There there are several rooms in the place,but the only place for us

to put our foh is about 10 feet (If that),from the dance floor.


How would you approach this situation?

Really appreciate any idea's or feedback experience on this.


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