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Hi Forum,

Thanks for all your help in the past and in advance.

I have an acoustic duo (2 vocals, 2 acoustic guitars) that does about 50-60 gigs per year at local bars....nothing extravagant.

We're currently using a Yamaha EMX66 powered mixer, with outboard gear (reverb, compressor, eq, bbe) running thru the FX send and return.

Yes, I know that's less than ideal.

So between my band's equipment and stuff I've got dirt cheap off craigslist, I'm thinking of going with the following set up. What I'm wondering is anyone had any advice and/or suggestions. I do realize that this may be a bit much for a duo, but since I have most of the equipment already, I love to have a solid second system for smaller venues and be able to add things easily, etc.


Mackie 1402 VLZ - pair of Rane ME30Bs -QSC GX5 (stereo) - pair JBL MRX 515

Vox 1 & 2 (shure 58s) insert - dbx 166 - BBE 462

Gtr 1 & 2 insert - dbx 266

Aux 1 Lexicon MPX100

Aux 2 Boss CE 300 (guitars only)


Any thoughts and input (pro, con, or otherwise) are truly appreciated.

Thanks again in advance!


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Lose the BBE and sure, great system. I don't know what a Boss CE300 is though.


I don't typically squash acoustic guitars much unless the player is all over the place. With this format I don't know I'd compress much of anything at all.


Do you guys use monitors at all? How about running mono mains and add an MRX512m, all you'd need to add is the speaker and cable. If you don't wan't it then cool, don't add. Stereo is not a requirement for PA and can be a hindrance.

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Thanks for the input. The BBE sometimes make the vocals a bit clearer (makes the "pop" in layman's terms) in the mix (sometimes not...seems to depend on the room). I don't like it on the overall mix, I'm pretty sure with the Rane EQs I'd be a lot happier with the result.

With small rooms with people who could care less if there's music, sometimes the guitars can get a little boomy. I have a Taylor 410 CE, which is fine, but my partner has a cheaper guitar and is only a rhythm player (he sings all the leads though). Even the way way I'm running it now, the compression has gotten rid of that low E string resonance that seemed to occur way too frequently. Nothing radical in terms of ratio...plus the gate is nice.

What I'm really interested in is the your thoughts on adding a monitor.

The MRXs are 8 ohm speakers 800W program, how would that effect the sound, speaker health, and ohms if I daisied one channel for the mains and used the second for the monitors? I may be waaaaaaaaaaay off base but I've always ran under the assumption of one amp channel per speaker.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated and important to me.


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One of my groups is a duo act as well. We run a simular system to what you describe with SR4702X, a Mackie 1501 sub, a Yamaha EMX-5000 and when needed a powered monitor. I like stereo effects in the intimate venues we typically play with this group. Obviously with two acoustics you won't need the sub- I play bass and can also DJ with this rig and a computer.


But somethings that may help you would be a good acoustic pre-amp that features a notch filter for helping getting rid of that resonant note that always seems to be so bothersome. We're both using Fishman Platinum Pro DI's http://www.fishman.com/products/details.asp?id=42 with great success. The other thing I might suggest would be a very decent microphone with a tight pattern like EV's 767a. We usually run without a dedicated monitor with the pa behind us and a tight pattern along with good mic technique will allow for a lot more GBF in that situation.

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