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My sat night fix someones screwup story

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I feel sorry for some of yall that get called into action to fix others screw up from not knowing what the hell they are doin. Saturday I had my own gig with a cover band that I run sound for. We go set up at 2, soundcheck and out the door by 3. Now the drummers brother inlaw has a band which they mainly play classic rock. They rarely play other than just practice. But someone graduated and they were asked to play the party. So after running around a bit i lay down to take a nap. Not more than 5 minutes into my trying to sleep I get a call. They cant get the monitors to work and asked if i could run over and take a look. It seems they just bought some stuff and were trying to figure it out. The first thing i noticed is that they didnt have anything in aux on the board. I jump on stage to see what else was up and they had cables all over the place. Take in mind my gig startes at 930. It was after 8 already as im trying to see what the heck they did. They were not using the sends on the snake. Instead ran prob 100 ft of cables and radioshack connectors for the main out. So I fix that first. Then i noticed they daisy chained the mains and the house subs and another no name speaker that was there also on each channel. Changed that also. Then on to the monitors. They had 3 daisy chained. But it didnt end there. Coming off of the last monitor they went back into channel 2 of the amp. I actually couldnt believe what i just saw. They were working on this issue while I was setting up earlier in the day. If I had more time I would have re wired everything but I didnt. I did have to run their messed up attempt at cables to where they had the board setup for the monitor signal as the board does not have an xlr out for aux like the snake had. So I start checking signals and notice the list they wrote for what channel was what wasnt right. Half of the snake was in the wrong channels on the board. Then instead of grouping vocals and what not. They would have one vocal in 3 and one in 16 and one 10 etc............So i get the signals checked and them soundchecked and get ready to leave as it was 9 already. They were talkin about not playing the party due to the issues so they were happy that i did what i could to get them goin. But the room was rather large and what they have wasnt gonna fill much of it. But they slipped me 40 bucks for comin out. Not bad for an amatuer bar band sound guy and a lil over an hour of work. Plus still made it on time to my gig.

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