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Let's build some theory chops to help you hear songs and root motion better..

Major chords...root 3rd 5th

take a major scale...build a triad on the 1st 4th and 5th degrees..

classic I IV V chord progression..

Key of G major

G A B C D E F# G spells the G major scale..

half steps are between the 3rd and 4th, also the 7th and 8th

GBD is the I chord

CEG is the IV chord

DF#A is the V chord


arpeggiate these on your bass...hear their sound...it's familiar...

now play the IV as a minor chord..to do this, flat the 3rd of the C chord...CEbG...the IV minor is an emotional departure from the IV major...songwriters love this chord IV minor..


Now here's the rub! as a musician learn these chords, learn the theory behind them in terms of structure.. as a bass player, you might not necessarily need to arpeggiate the chord in the bassline of the song, as subtlety rules!! less is more! learn songs, hear what basslines have made the final cut...they often have a character of their own, without outlining all the notes of a chord..


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