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JVC Head unit for trade...


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JVC KDLH300. Bought for just a hair over 300.00(around 320 if I remember correctly), in new condition. No scratches or mars, perfect working order. CD/MP3/WMA/Satellite radio compatible. Comes with some nifty features, that I never really knew how to use, but they're in their. Comes with remote, mounting case(for a flush look) and everything else you could need. I'm looking to trade for either a guitar(Strat, PRS, something I can build on and that has a tremolo), bass(epi thunderbird IV reverse, other epi's or fenders), or drum pieces(such as a rack, double bass pedal, similar). Just looking for something that'll catch my eye and I'll actually use. I also have a sub/amp combo that I can include if you have what I'm looking for. It's a couple of years old, never was abused or in fact used that much. It was in my truck, and since moving up here to the city I really don't take the truck out at all anymore. Any interest?

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