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Li'l Screamin' Demon Seymour Duncan PUP


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This is a single-coil sized humbucker for the bridge position of a strat. These are $94 dollars new.


Great if you want a beefier metal sound for your strat.


Paypal for payment.


We'll figure out whatever on the shipping costs.

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Does anyone buy anything on this site anymore? I can't get any offers on this site and can sell something for the same asking price in 24 hours on ebay! Why is that?



Go figure. I think it's a monkey see, monkey do lemming mentality. If one person makes a visible bid, then it becomes desirable and others join in to compete and bid for the same product, and I've often even seen them overbid because it's just like a game they have to win. Here, where there's no bidding, people just ain't interested. Humans are absurd creatures.


Good luck!

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Does anyone buy anything on this site anymore? I can't get any offers on this site and can sell something for the same asking price in 24 hours on ebay! Why is that?



With the economy here in the US nothing is selling.. There is a limited number of people who visit here.. I tried to sell a Jackson DX10 for 150.00 here and it didn't sell... tried it on ebay and it didn't sell.. and then I parted it out and made my money... go figure.

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