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FS: Truepianos

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Nevermind - no one wanted it so I'm just going to keep it. (Truepianos $110 USD - the license transfer is free. Apparently can be repeated after 6 months.)


I love Truepianos, it's just that I recently purchased Sonar 8 PE which comes with the Amber Module, and I can upgrade to the other 3 at a later date for $125, IIRC. I need to free up some funds right now, so I'll UG at a later date.





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bump 4 four great sounding piano modules.

Watch the video of Dave Rich, of the fabulous Dave Rich Band, and the player MISTHERIA YouTube video demos:

http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=truepianos&i e=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&cl ient=firefox-a&um=1&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&res num=4&ct=title#

or audio demos and the Dave Rich video on the Truepianos site:


Check out this review:

http://www.northernsounds.com/forum/showthread.php ?t=52935

In Mr. Rich's own words:

"I'm a big fan of true pianos and indeed have helped promote them in the past."

"The main thing is the playability of it. The sound is great, but I would certainly suggest putting an eq after it and adjusting to taste (as you would a real piano)."

"I've not come across any other piano plugin, sampleset or otherwise, which just begs to be played as much as truepianos - especially in hi-cpu mode (which is basically infinite polyphony, god knows how they do it but it's still very cpu light even with all the keys playing)"

"I'm waiting for it to get receptorised, or indeed for them to release a hardware module of it."

"Kind regards

Dave Rich"

NOTE; MR. Rich's comments use without permission: I hope it's OK Dave!

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