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WTB: Digi001


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I'm wondering if anyone has a Digi001 they'd be willing to let go for around $100. I don't need Pro Tools or anything, just the interface. I just purchased the MBox mini, not realizing it was USB 1.1. Well, because it's not buffering fast enough, my recording and playback keeps stopping halfway through with a message to increase my buffer speed. Soooo... because I can't return it (because of software return law,) I was seeing if anyone had an 001 they'd be willing to let go for cheap that I can just use with the Pro Tools LE 7.1 that I have.

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yeah the 001 is le6.4 on mac and 5.3 on windows. all digi mbox products are usb 1.1, unless you buy the pro.. which are firewire. your buffering issues could be caused by using the computer's internal hard drive as your audio's playback... get a firewire external hard drive as your audio playback drive.

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yeah the 001 is le6.4 on mac and 5.3 on windows. all digi mbox products are usb 1.1, unless you buy the pro.. which are firewire. your buffering issues could be caused by using the computer's internal hard drive as your audio's playback... get a firewire external hard drive as your audio playback drive.



Cool, thanks. I went to the Digi Forum and posted my issue this morning, but nobody's gotten back to me. I followed everyone of their suggestions for optimizing my computer, and I still have the issue. I was hoping to get away without spending anymore money, but I guess I won't be that lucky.


Thanks again,


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is it like error (-6086). that you keep getting? if so, try what i suggested



Yep, that's exactly it. What if I had a dedicated internal HD? I do have access to an internal, so if that'll work I'd rather install that before shelling out the money for an external.

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as long as that hd isn't used for any of the computers main system, then it might work.. be sure to format it as an audio drive (instructions on doing so are listed in the mbox mini's handbook) also the harddrive should be 911chipset, don't know why, but that helps... but just don't do the "optional performance" section, especially the memory allocation one.. when i did that my desktop quit working all together, cause my computer thought all of the memory was suddenly removed.

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i'm not sure if a partition would do the trick or not, especailly if you're running only one large internal drive... mainly being protools needs a drive to spin freely on it own.


i was able to get mine to work installing the programs on an external drive, and then on a different external, i use as my audio drive.




but on another note: i wish digi was able to make the 001rack compatible with the newer 7.3+ programs, it was so easy to install and never had buffering issues, or any issues what so ever.

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