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Soundcraft Delta 200 frame, modules


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After much contemplation, I've taken my Delta 200 off the market, but several Delta-series items remains for sale:


--My extra Delta 200 8x4x2 frame--this has all the internal ribbon cabling, etc.. Good shape. No PSU. I am asking $125 NOTE: the 7 blank module covers are gone--someone really wanted those!


--The Venue Master section: Asking $125.

Remember, I have run this in my Delta 200 when my Master section was out to Jm Williams, and it worked great--so it works, and it works with your Delta 200. This is perfect as a backup, or for anyone sending a master section to Jim Williams...


--Four Delta Group Modules -- $50 for the lot...yeah, lots of demand for these.


--One regular (non deluxe) input module. You can see it in the picture of the frame. -- $25





Group Modules:



Venue master section:


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excuse my ignorance, but can the modules be used as "stand alone" Preamps?



I think not--they need the mixer's power supply. Now, whether they could work with a power supply but without a master section (via the direct out) is something I've wondered myself...so excuse MY ignorance!

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