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to everyone wanting to buy the m-audio keystation pro 88...


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How is this fraud? GC looked at the price and said ''OK, we can do that.'' THAT'S NOT FRAUD! It's not immoral, it's not unethical. GC could have said, ''Sorry, that's an academic price, we can't match that.'' But they didn't. They said, ''OK, we can go that low.'' And they did. Apparently they decided it was a sound business decision. But there was no lying or anything, so how the hell was it fraud?



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i don't let other people decide for me what is right and wrong...


fraud is just a legal term... feeling guilty about it is something people are taught from childhood. human instinct is: take what you safely can take. survival.

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Originally posted by brzilian

Lets see...

Even something as simple as allowing someone else to call in to the NY State Dept. of Labor's Unemployment hotline and make my weekly claim is fraud (they say it right on the phone everytime you call).

This is no different than someone trying to claim disability insurance by faking some kind of medical condition. You are misrepresenting yourself and trying to take advantage of a benefit designated for a certain group of people of which you are not part of.

Each to his own. I live a life where I have some kind of conscience and see how this is not appropriate or moral. If you choose to disregard that, you'll just have to live with it I guess...



I don't think he ever even said " I'm a student blah blah this is what I can get it for from here" he simply showed them an ad with the price on it and they matched it...how's that fraud again?

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The thing about Guitar Center is that their price matching policy varies greatly per person, per store, per item, per alignment of the sun and moon and stars.


Basically, if the manager okays a price to sell something to you, you're good to go. It doesn't necessarily matter where the source is, if they don't ask.


Also, at GC, a 20-25% discount on M-Audio hardware isn't unusual. For instance, I got my Oxygen8 for $110, (on a regular day) when the regular advertised price is $140 just by asking, "what the best price you can do?" I'm sure I could've gotten a little bit better but hey I was complaining. Sure it's a smaller scale but getting the Keystation Pro88 for $400 instead of $500, that's a 20% discount. It looks like a lot, but it is a reasonable amount.


The other thing about GC, is that if you have a regular salesperson you deal with and are on good terms with, they'll often cut you a good deal.


There is nothing cut in stone. As far as fraud goes, fraud usually involves somebody getting screwed over. If a transaction goes through on mutual terms, they everything is a-okay.


As far as taking the mighty high road on moral grounds. I call bull{censored}. But hey if it makes you feel better about yourself...

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I dont see anything even close to fraud here. "Price matching" is just a sales gimmick to begin with. Stores dont always have the same service which is usually a factor in a purchase, just like price. But if they want someone to jump through hoops to get a proper price to match their service then let the games begin:D

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wow, you know, i just wanted to inform people of a low price to pricematch other stores with. heck, musicians friend gave me the go-ahead, but they were backordered! studica was out of stock as well, otherwise i woulda gone with them and saved the tax. anyway...brzilian, whatever your name is, you really dont have much else going for you huh? getting on hc, acting all high and mighty for something so ridiculous as me trying to give ppl the heads up on getting gear for cheaper...


and besides, like someone else said, if u ask GC for their infamous "best price" theyll probably give it to you for $400...i asked GC for their best price on a whammy once and got it for $170, pretty good considering ebay at the time whammys were $150 used...


anyway, as to the actual keyboard...


its pretty cool! i mean, i obviously havent had time to really mess with it, but i mean right now i have more knobs and buttons and sliders than i know what to do with. im just having fun with cubase and everything...the USB is kinda neat although i think its causing latency issues for me. i didnt buy a midi cable, and this is the first time ive ever used just a controller and a pc so its been fun! i wish i was more experienced with controllers to give you guys a proper review, but thanks to everyone who suggested it, im completely happy.

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