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4ms Triwave Picogenerator--insane analog synth


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Here's a rare bird for you...


I am ambivalently willing to part with the damn strangest piece of gear I have ever owned, just because my GAS for a 12 string electric guitar is so strong.


The 4ms Triwave Picogenerator. Missing two knobs but fully functional.



I am asking $210, shipped. PM me!


If you are familiar with 4ms (they were 3ms when I bought this in '99 or '00) then you know what the Triwave Picogenerator is.


It is a pure, mad analog synth. It has two oscillators, each with its own pitch knob (those are the two missing knobs). You can select between triangle and sawtooth (it may be square, actually).


There are 3 LFOs with Speed control--these are the three other knobs on the top of the unit--each with an LED that pulses in time with its LFO.


There are 6 LFO amount or depth knobs on the sides--3 dedicated to each oscillator.


There's a volume knob, and Osc mix knob, one 1/4" input, and a wall wart power supply.


The thing sounds...mad. A very skilled hand can play the pitch knob for some approximate, theremin-like melody, but mostly this is a... strange sound machine, not out of place as the lead instrument in a '50s sci-fi or anti-drug propaganda flick. It's sounds thick, drifty, analog. There is an incredible of sounds available from this very limited pure analog architecture from unstable, nausea-inducing waft, to beating polyphonic sirens.


Here's what they look like today--same exact feature set, though mine is in the highly, uh, functional junction box design of yore:



Here's the 4ms site Triwave page. Mine is identical to the "basic model" which they sell for $335.



More pics:




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