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roland SH09 for sale or trade

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thanks for the offer but i want something newer. i think im pretty much decided on a motif, so unless someone has one of those for partial trade, id rather just sell it for crisp dollar bills. or wrinkly ones too i guess. whatever


Well if you change your mind and wanna go old school let me know. I've also got an s-760 and a kawai k1 II (with ata style case). And i have cash too so maybe you've got an idea of how much your looking to get for it and we can work something out.

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im not sure what the hell you are talking about, because what i posted as an asking price is a lot less than top dollar and i wouldnt really expect to sell the thing for what i am asking.




as i said, i have no idea what these sell for lately other than the mint one going for 625 on ebay a few weeks ago and all of the expensive japanese ones that no one ever buys. ive been out of buying and selling analogs since around 2001.




that being said, i have no need to get rid of it as its been with me for a long time now. im not taking 75$ and a tr505 for it :)




i forgot to mention that ive rebuilt all of the sliders with new internals as well. here it is with its original cancer paint.. along with its sick brother.. circa maybe 2004 :)



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Nice edited post. The most that will sell for is $200 tops. It looks like hell. I rarely see SH-09s sell for more than $400. It's just a basic mono synth after all. My friend picked one up for $350 not too long ago. They average about $375. No, i'm not here to "be a dick", it's just the way it is.

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Nice edited post. The most that will sell for is $200 tops. It looks like hell. I rarely see SH-09s sell for more than $400. It's just a basic mono synth after all. My friend picked one up for $350 not too long ago. They average about $375. No, i'm not here to "be a dick", it's just the way it is.





If you aren't here to be a dick, then being a dick must just be your natural state... because you are sure coming off as a whiney ass bitch. I suggest that if you dont want to buy my ugly SH09 you get the {censored} out of my thread and go make some more music that would have been second rate in 1994. Unfortunately for you, its 2008, and no one gives a {censored} about badly made acid anymore.


i'm not here to "be a dick", it's just the way it is.





The edit was because I figured you deserved the benefit of the doubt. Clearly you don't, so go ahead and just take whatever the original one said to heart. My roommate also suggests you suck a dick.. but I'm not to that point yet... benefit of the doubt and all.

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To be honest, what you should do if you can afford it, is send it off to customsynth in the UK. If you haven't seen his work, he does miracles with near dead synths. He had an SH-09 that spent a good 20 years of it's life in a barn, and redid the surface. It looks wonderful! It's a bit pricey, especially the shipping to the UK, but to have a totally custom synth like that would probably be worth it. Plus, then you COULD really sell it for quite a bit. customsynths.co.uk

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