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Bug Brand Audio Weevil08 Best offer...


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he doesn't make these anymore and this one is in california and you don't have to wait for it to arrive from the uk, brand new, still in the box, this is the newest one and the last ones he's making. need cash...

After many months of refinement, I can finally announce the new AudioWeevil08! This version really raises the bar in terms of response, feel and design.


A wide variety of features are packed into this Weevil - have a check of the block diagram to the left to see how the signal flows. The box is both a synth-sound generator and an audio processor - oh, with a load of chaos possibilities chucked in too.


* Audio Input through a CMOS Overdrive/Distortion - a powerful input (1/4" mono jack) suitable for guitar or line levels. There are two levels of drive offering clean or distorted sounds. The distortion crunches really nicely!

* Variable Response Wasp-style Filter - the filtering on the AudioWeevil is now full of character! Based on the famous old-school Wasp synth and offering variable Resonance / Q, Cutoff + LFO Modulation and Low/Band/Highpass outputs. There's a mixer going into it for balancing the Thru (Audio Input) and Ring (Weevil Sonics). There's also an output level control before 1/4" mono output jack.

* Twin Oscillator Weevil Heart - this is the screechy ringmod centre of synthesis with many features. There are two lofi squarewave oscillators (one with LFO modulation) with Hi / Lo rate ranges which feed into a quasi-ringmod. The 2nd osc can be switched over to accept the squared audio input for wierd-assed ringmod processing. Added onto this are controls for: Power Starvation (with Stable or Instable modes), Ringmod Feedback (with three way routing switch) and an output Comparator to give stable levels even when starved.

* Modulation LFO - Osc1 and the Filter can be modulated by the wide-range tri/saw LFO. The two rate ranges offer modulation from superslow to audiorate and the waveform is switchable from Saw to Triangle to Ramp. There are independent modulation depth controls for the Osc and Filter

* Screen printed Frontpanel with Contact Points - the professional frontpanel labels all functions clearly (13 dials, 10 switches) and presents a total of 16 body contact points allowing touchy chaos control of the machine - lick your fingers!


NOTE - there can often be a bit of weevil-signal feedthrough to the audio input even with the Ring mix turned right down. This is most apparent with high input gains, but various settings can minimize any effects.


The AudioWeevil08 is cased in a sprayed slope-fronted enclosure (c.22x14x9cm). It is battery power only (due to the touch controls) running off 6 AA batteries in the panel compartment mounted underside. Battery life should be at least forty hours with decent batteries including rechargeables.


Here are three romp-through demo mp3s recorded straight with no effects:


* Sonics just from the internals

* Guitar Ebow drone process

* TR606 Drum-machine process

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