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Prophet 08 PE keyboard for sale or trade


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Stuff for sale, all prices include shipping in the US, you eat paypal or gift it, or send a money order. Located in Buffalo, NY.

Boss syb3 bass synth pedal, looks and sounds great, $85

Ddrum 4se Brain, mint, $550

2 ddrum mesh trigger pads $75 each, 10" toms, will include cables and mounting hardware, the rest are sold

will sell brain and pads together for $666 shipped

Korg wavedrum $280

Mackie 24x8 bus, have original boxs and manuals, great condition.
all channels work great. $750

Prophet 08pe
mint, currently on ebay
http://www.ebay.com/itm/130826365427?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p39 84.m1555.l2649

Teenage Engineering op-1, sounds cool, lots of fun to use, mint, but need the money, $725

Kurzweil Pc3x mint and lovely with original box, manual, and foot pedal $1650

trades +/- cash OK.
Looking for a Machinedrum UW mk2, serge, eventide space, pitchfactor, Ekdahl Moisturizer, ehx freeze, ehx 2880 foot controller, Mackie Control universal, Elysia Xpressor, maybe other things...try me

I also have some original paintings and prints for sale, these I will trade for just about anything, pedals, rack fx, mics, take a look here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?s...7685927&type=3


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