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can someone mod my organ ??

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Hey . . I one this little tiny organ on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=3737584339&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT and i was wonderful if anyone could mod it for either one or both of these two options. . I power supply or some kind of plug so i don't have to use batteries, and an output jack so i can record direct or put this through an amplifier.



thanks for the help.

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"It measures about 18 inches long, 8 inches wide and about 4 inches deep."

Whoa, there.


Anyway, you could do those mods yourself probably; power supply : hook up the + and - to a wallwart supplying the same in terms of voltage & amperage; output to an amp: disconnect the cables to the speaker and get yourself a mono jack plug input; solder 'm to it.


Should work...

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Originally posted by Yoozer

"It measures about 18 inches long, 8 inches wide and about 4 inches deep."

Whoa, there.

Anyway, you could do those mods yourself probably; power supply : hook up the + and - to a wallwart supplying the same in terms of voltage & amperage; output to an amp: disconnect the cables to the speaker and get yourself a mono jack plug input; solder 'm to it.

Should work...



Amperage doesn't matter, as long as it is more than what the synth needs. I suspect it consumes about an amp or two, at the most, though you're better off checking with a multimeter.

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