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So I'm looking into buying a plain old acoustic accordian for something different. Naturally I'm considering Hohner. Their Hohnica line is a few hundred bucks cheaper. If there's anyone out here who knows, should I consider an entry-level instrument, or would I be kicking myself in six months for not having spent the money towards something a bit nicer? I've had good luck picking up new instruments in the past - how hard is the accordian? Also, how noticeable is the difference in sound to a new player?


- CC

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i may have an accordian for sale soon.


the current accordian i have i was going to sell, but my friend with a full-size model is interested in trading with me.


so i may have a full-size or 3/4 size accordian for sale soon.


if it's the 3/4 size model there are pics here: Desert Storm Commemorative Edition Harley-Davidson Accordian

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Not a player myself but I've seen them played live a few times.


The bigger ones sound quite good. The little ones sound waily, cheesey as hell, and quite persistantly grating.


No idea how easy they are to play, most seem to have a keyboard on one side and lots of buttons for the 'bass' on the other. If you can play keyboard fine with both hands, I don't imagine you'll have uber trouble getting to grips with one.

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