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Your prediction: Will Clavia make a Nord Lead 4?


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One word for ya: software.


That's pretty much where Novation has gone, wouldn't be too surprised if others were to follow.


I prefer the Nord Lead 2/2x over the 3 because everything is so straightforward to use - and sounds good - nice raw sound to it. Something I'd like to pick up eventually.

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well, i'm sure they will continue the Nord Lead line. it is just a question of when. two facts are obvious - Access has left them in the dust in that dept. feature-wiuse and with sheer power it uses like 16 delay and reverbs versus.. what? zero on nord leads? :rolleyes:. also, if they are thinking of a new model it would be crazy tu release it right now - they have to wait at least 6mo. till the hype and buzz surrounding Virus TI settles down, at least a bit, and carefully re-think what will they offer.


again, it's not that bad, i actually prefer Virus for 'Virus' modern sounds, but NordLead3, mega successful or not, is kinda closest to real analogs in its warmth and smoothness (within reason).


so, it is not that bad of a situation for Clavia - they have better analog oscillators than Access, their filters artent exactly slouch either, they've learned a lot from their G2 line, and hopefully catch on to some competitor concepts (like total integration :D ) . i think they are ready to do a nice new polysynth VA next yr. with those great knobs with LEDs , of course..


one thing, where i have a gut feeling they will screw up, is effects and display. i just know it...

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I doubt that Access's release of their new repackaged gear will affect Nord. Mfg. typically release new stuff at NAMM or other trade shows, some do it before hand like Access just did, to beat the others to the punch. But most mfg. have products in a certain feature/price range and I doubt they could afford to sit back because someone else brought out something new. I would think its just the opposite. They usually have gear in the development stages quite some time before they announce it and then ship it.


I don't know that the lack of effects on the Nord Lead is a problem. We had a discussion about that on another thread not to long ago, pertaining to the ION. I have effects, and don't want to pay more money for on board effects. I rather have several different effects and connect them to separate AUX buses on my mixer so I can use them for different pieces of gear.


I think a lot of players that don't have a lot of gear like a fully contained board, especially in entry price range boards. I realize the Nord Lead boards are not entry level, but the lack of effects wouldn't stop me from buying one if I wanted one. Different strokes.





Mike T.

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Originally posted by Kirumamoru

Man, a Modular with the integration of the Virus TI K would be awesome. Editor, MIDI, and 4 channels of audio in and out on one USB 2.0 line.




Don't. Don't do this. I want to live in my sheltered little world where the TI hasn't yet shown us the way of things yet to come. In my world, it's just granted that you have to hook that stuff up seperately, it's a given that my G2 won't work as a VST within a host, and I don't have to think about what might have been.


So please, speak of these things no longer, before you poison all of our hearts with that blackest, most cruel form of desire known exclusively to those afflicted with GAS.

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Anyhow....if Clavia DID make a NL4, my feature wishlist would be:


programmable arppegiator

at least 8 parts multi

a phaser, a reverb unit, a delay unit

effects per part

3 total LFO's

a mod matrix of sorts (would be very sweet, if not seizure inducing, if they had an 8x8 matrix of LED's on the front panel)

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the thing that sets all Nord products apart from the competition is simplicity and control. If I were them I'd keep focusing on that, because immediacy is the only thing that makes hardware better than software at the moment (reliability issues aside!). So, NL3 is pretty much cutting edge! I've played quite some other instruments and it strikes me how sometimes complicated or unclear it is to even change a patch! Another thing is the absense of big screens and menus..so relaxing!


They revamped the analog polysynth, the modular synth, the Rhodes(and hammond with arguably the best lesliesim)and with the new G2 you have a complete DX7 simulation as well....so what's left?


- make Mellotron samples

- make it bitimbral (NOT MORE!!)

- make a weighted '73X' version

- increase number of samples (?)

- include spring reverb simulation (simply missing! Hammond invented the spring reverb!)


- erm...include delay and reverb. You need delay and reverb on a lead synth

- use a Triton keyboard..please?

- ?


- come on it's pretty much perfect... :-)

- filter types modelled after Moog, Sequential and ARP



- a hardware stepsequencer with those nice led-rings around the knobs..no menus..?

- or even a drummachine?

- or a guitar synth? continue where the ARP AVATAR stopped :D

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\ 'Lead 4'

- erm...include delay and reverb. You need delay and reverb on a lead synth

- use a Triton keyboard..please?\




Now we are talking. This would make me seriously look at the Nord. Solid Triton keybed, and effects with the great Clavia Nord build. Add in VST lock in like the new Viru Ti and im sold.


I'd love that.

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i like their product lineup with the leads, electros, and G series, but its pretty clear that access has really 'raised the bar' on people's expectations of what a new synth should include.

i wouldn't like to be in clavia's shoes when it's time to announce the next release.

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As anyone who has used the G2 for a while will know, Clavia's effect alg.'s stinks. Greating a Lead 4 that has internal effects would detract a lot from the Lead sound and wouldn't be a very good idea yet.


I really don't think access is getting much of an edge over them, the markets they have are somewhat different. Access has more of the gear whore market with user's that mostly use presets and generating dance music, not to mention they have a total of 1 product. While clavia has a more sophisticated user base that is interested more in the raw sound and has access to high quality external effects and has atl least 3 distinct product lines, maybe 4 if you consider the G2 distinct from the Lead line.


While the access integration is nice it doesn't really improve the instrument itself very much at all. It simply adds usability features that have a limited shelf life. All the features of the TI probably wont be supported or function 10 years in the future with the latest DAW and OS versions. Of course the G2/modular line has many of the same issues.

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i have both access and clavia products - so where are you going to stereotype me?

gear whore who uses presets?

or sophisticated programmer?

the virus line has relatively deep programming options compared to a lot of stuff out there.

for instance, there is no comparison of the nl2x vs. virus when it comes to programming options.


i've got the G2 and i must say i agree with you on certain aspects - i'm just a little bit apprehensive about how it will work with computers in 10 years - i think the same thing about the computer aspects of the virus TI.

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Originally posted by Mike51

\ 'Lead 4'

- erm...include delay and reverb. You need delay and reverb on a lead synth

- use a Triton keyboard..please?\

Now we are talking. This would make me seriously look at the Nord. Solid Triton keybed, and effects with the great Clavia Nord build. Add in VST lock in like the new Viru Ti and im sold.

I'd love that.



Yeah, and the fx section from the Electro, please! While they

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Well I dont think number of envelopes reflects sound quality as much as it does versatility, especially on a synth that offers wavetables. I'm assuming that Access intends for most of it's users to use LFO's and modwheel to sweep their new wavetables?

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Retain the intuitive design philosophy, finding creative and new ways to emphasize this even more strongly, all the while adding further functionality(I think some rudimentary efx are a must this time around; new DSP chips can spare the extra clock-cycles, as increasingly advanced oscillator modelling will eventually reach a state of diminishing returns anyway).


Along with Alesis(I'm loving my new Micron), Clavia is another manufacturer I'd hate to 'dissappear'.


So, bring on the Lead4, definately. :cool:

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I've been loving my Nord Lead 3 for two years now. Never once has the absence of effects ever crossed my mind. I'll take what Clavia has to offer over anything else ... wickedly complex, idiosyncratic sounds; stunning morphing capabilities; simplicity of design; the most elegant and inspiring user interface on the planet, bar none.


Don't mess with a good thing, Clavia.


- glasskangaroo

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Originally posted by nSCOURGE

.........Along with Alesis(I'm loving my new Micron), Clavia is another manufacturer I'd hate to 'dissappear'.

So, bring on the Lead4, definately.





hey nSCOURGE: i just noticed you got a micron.


pretty damn good bang for the buck, isn't it?

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Originally posted by glasskangaroo

I've been loving my Nord Lead 3 for two years now. Never once has the absence of effects ever crossed my mind. I'll take what Clavia has to offer over anything else ... wickedly complex, idiosyncratic sounds; stunning morphing capabilities; simplicity of design; the most elegant and inspiring user interface on the planet, bar none.

Don't mess with a good thing, Clavia.

- glasskangaroo



Elegant, yes. Complex, no.

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