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YAMAHA CP-20/CP-30 Electronic Pianos - Anybody ever gig with one?


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I'm not a "keyboard player" but lately I have been writing music on keys - alot of which is inspired by sounds of electric piano. I currently have a rather cheap, flimsy keyboard at home so I'd like to find something simple and sturdy for gigging.


I would LOVE to find a Fender Rhodes but they're impossible to find one for sale around where I live. I was at a music store yesterday and found an old Yamaha CP-20 keyboard in near-mint condition. They said they had a CP-30 at their other location.


I played (the CP20) for a while and really enjoyed the feel of the keys and the expressiveness of the instrument but I found the lack of that percussive "tine" sound something that I might need to get used to. Despite that, I'm still considering it because it grants me a *similar* sound and look at the fraction of the cost - until I can find the real thing.


Does anyone have any exprerience with that keyboard - particularily with gigging? Although I haven't had a chance to find out for myself yet, I hear these things are something like 150lbs.


Thanks in advance. :)

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I haven't played one of these for 20 years, but they were considerded somewhat of a compromise instrument even when new. This is Yamaha's pre-FM 1970's technology and they really don't sound anywhere close to a Rhodes or piano. If you are looking for a Rhodes experience on the cheap, give a listen to the Roland SA pianos from the late 80's, like the RD-250 or 300s. They aren't bad and very playable...on the used market their cost should be pretty close to thier model numbers in US dollars.

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I can't remember when Roland stopped making the RD-300s, but it might have still been in production in 1994. It's replacement, the RD-500 used sample playback technology and will cost you more. I was trying to come up with the cheapest alternative for you that was still decent sound and action-wise....thus the suggestion...

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Yea, I had one way back when.


If my memory serves me right, the CP-30 was Stereo which made it significantly better than the 20. However when I played one a couple years ago, I was not in the least bit impressed. So many of todays electronic keyboards are better.


Love my Wurlitizer EP. Love my Yamaha Motif.


I think If I were you I'd look for a real Rhodes or Wurly or Yamaha S90 or p series.


The CP-30 will work but I don't know, its just not as cool as the real deal or the newer boards.

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